Summer Time

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Rental Home

June 16, 2020

The next day in a large rental home, Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, GRMA, and CFDT, Oscar Pine, Ilia Amitola, Cade, Qrow Branwen, and Professor Ozpin had all been sent into a rental home by the government to avoid the media and any unwanted attention after their battle against Salem and her followers and allies. Out in the living room, Yang Xiao Long was watching videos by Smosh on Youtube on a laptop, while Ruby Rose, Allen Knight, Kelly McFoley, and Qrow were playing split screen multiplayer on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

"Damn it!" Kelly frustratingly exclaimed as she got shot by Ruby for the fifth time.

"Ah, yeah! The snipe master strikes again!" Ruby said.

Ruby's victory was short lived as her character gets knifed from behind by her uncle.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby whined.

"Sorry, pipsqueak. All's fair in love in war," Qrow proclaimed.

They then heard Yang laughing out loud, catching their attention.

"What's so funny?" Allen asked.

"This!" Yang laughed.

She unplugged her headphones as the song Dixon Cider by Smosh played.

"Yang! That's gross!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Really Yang?" Qrow asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kelly and Allen both snickered and realized what Yang was about to do. Yang turned the screen over to show Ian and Anthony pouring jugs of apple cider into girls' mouths. She laughs at Ruby and Qrow's blank reactions.

"Cider from Dixon, California," Allen said.

"Old Smosh is the best," Kelly said.

"And fill her full with lots of Dixon Cider. In her mouth hole fills it down inside her," Yang sang.


Sitting out in the corner of the living room, Professor Ozpin, Oscar, and Jacob Gordon were sitting in chairs across from each other. They each both have a bible in their hands. Ozpin and Oscar went with Jacob to his church a couple days ago. Jacob was currently preaching the word of God to the headmaster of Beacon.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7," Jacob quoted from the bible.

"Mr. Gordon, if I may ask. Why choose your god instead of the Brother Gods?" Ozpin asked.

"To be honest, your gods are complete assholes," Jacob answered.

"And why is that?" Oscar asked.

"The two Brothers treat their creations like an experiment. The God of Light even said so himself. Meaning, they don't love or even care for what they created. Unlike the brothers though, God loves and values everything he creates. And when God punishes the wicked, he doesn't do it out of spite, bitterness, or hate, he does it because he cares, unlike the two brothers. He gave us his begotten son, Jesus Christ, who had died for our sins. And all that's the tip of the iceberg of why he is the one, true god. Also to quote one of his ten commandments; Thou shalt not have other gods before me," Jacob explained.

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