What is Lost

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UHL Headquarters

Mess Hall

Inside the mess hall, Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood, Qrow, Taiyang, Zwei, and the Happy Huntresses were all continuing their battle with the gunmen, Huntsmen, and Basil. Ironwood shoots at two gunmen, killing them. A Huntsman armed with a large drill charges at the Atlesian general, but Ozpin suddenly jumps him from the side and whacks him in the face and into a wall with The Long Memory. The Huntsmen quickly gets up at rushes at the Beacon Headmaster, but Ironwood jumps up in front of Ozpin and shoots the Huntsman in the chest, making him stagger back a couple steps. Ironwood then hits the Huntsman in the head with the butt end of one of his pistols.

The Happy Huntresses were all grouped up together, firing crossbolts at the Huntsmen and gunmen around them. A Huntsman rushes at Robyn with a spear as she quickly folds her crossbow into her shield and parries the attack away. Robyn then slashes at the Huntsman in the chest before bashing her shield at his face, knocking him unconscious.

"Huntresses, keep fighting!" Robyn said.

Three gunmen formed up and started shooting at the Happy Huntresses. The four Huntresses scattered avoiding the gunmen's shots. Joanna fires a crossbolt at one of the gunmen, striking him in the chest and killing him. Fiona and May ran up to the other two gunmen and slashed at them both with their staffs.

Taiyang and Qrow were both hurling attacks at Basil as dodges and weaves away from their attacks. Basil cries out in pain as he suddenly feels something bite down on his butt. He glances his head around to see Zwei biting down on his butt.

"Get off me you stupid dog!" Basil shouted as he swung his fist at Zwei.

The corgi opened his jaws and released his grip as he jumped away to avoid getting hit. Tai punches Basil in the face, sending him flying into a wall. Basil quickly gets up and turns the dials on his gauntlets, then shoots a pair of fireballs at Taiyang knocking him to the floor. Qrow charged at Basil and gave out several swings at him with Harbinger. Basil dodges his attacks and catches one of his sword swings.

"I'm gonna cut out the thing that makes you a boy, and then shove it up your ass, kid," Qrow growled.

"Oh boo fucking hoo! It's your niece's fault for looking like a cute little slut!" Basil said.

Qrow growls in anger before viciously punches him in the face making him stumble back. Before Basil could attack, Zwei runs up to him and bites down onto his crotch, making him scream out in pain. Tai charges up to Basil and punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Basil gets back up and gets into a stance as Qrow, Taiyang and Zwei rush at him.



Meanwhile down into the lobby, Jacob, Britney, Maria, and Keaton continue their battle with Victor and the Neo-Nazies and Hera, while Rachel, Ashley, Elon, Pietro, and Queen Elizabeth II hide inside the cubicles. With the use of her semblance, Preflexes, Maria was able to dodge and deflect bullets away from her that were shot at her by a group of Neo-Nazies. She cackles as she effortlessly deflects a couple bullets right back at a couple of Neo-Nazies, striking them bot in their heads.

Taking cover behind a column, Keaton was in a firfight with three more Neo-Nazies. Keaton pokes himself around and shoots at one of the three Nazies in the chest. He then tosses a grenade at the other two Nazies as it then explodes, knocking away and killing them. Keaton turns his head to the cubicles and sees Rachel, Elon, Pietro, and the Queen peering their heads out to see the battle before them. He sprints over to the cubicles to help his mother, sister, and the VIPs.

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