Bye-Bye Karen

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Headmaster's Office

Inside the headmaster's office, Hera stood in front of Professor Ozpin as he sat behind his desk with Glynda standing beside him as she glared at Hera. Standing around were holographic projections of General Ironwood, Professor Theodore, Professor Pauline Bellrose, and Director Keaton Gordon. Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, OBSA, JAAR, CFVY, and Rin, Ronin, and Liberty all stood around Hera glaring at her.

"How are the students Ozpin?" Ironwood asked.

"Some were injured, but thankfully none of the students were killed," Ozpin answered.

"Except for most of the Antifa rioters," Coco said.

"Beacon Academy wasn't the only Huntsman Academy to face these mobs of Antifa," Theodore said.

"Antifa were causing destruction all over the streets of Atlas and tried to break into the Schnee Manor with the intent of murdering Jacques Schnee and his son Whitley," Ironwood said.

"Jacques I get, but why Whitley?" Weiss asked.

"Probably saw him as a mini version of Jacques," Ricky answered.

"Mistral had also faced some riots orchestrated by Antifa as well," Bellrose said.

"The same goes for Vacuo," Theodore said.

"The riots performed by Antifa caused some Grimm to close in to the city, but thankfully the UHL helped fight the Grimm away," Keaton said.

"And now this leaves us with one more problem to deal with," Glynda said as she glared at Hera.

"Now Ms. Kingsley, ever since you came to Beacon Academy, you have been causing nothing but trouble. Each problem that you had a hand in has caused many problems for us, each more troublesome than the last," Ozpin said.

"But they-" Hera gets cut off when the headmaster speaks again.

"Honestly I can't even think of an appropriate punishment for you over your participation with Antifa attacking the students. Some of them were seriously injured because of this incident," Ozpin said.

"You should consider yourself very lucky that Professor Ozpin had convinced the authorities to not have you arrested unlike the other remaining rioters," Glynda said with restrained anger.

"I appreciate that very much," Hera said.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Professor?!" Britney asked.

"She has helped cause some serious harm to the other students and damage to the courtyard!" Weiss shouted.

"Now hold on a minute. Professor Goodwitch said that I've convinced the authorities to not arrest her. She didn't say that Ms. Kingsley was off the hook," Ozpin said.

Everyone all gave looks of confusion as they all wondered where Ozpin was going with this.

"What are you saying, Professor?" Hera asked.

"I'm saying that due to the actions that you have caused here and among the other students, and that you have shown absolutely no signs of changing that mindset and attitude of yours, I'm afraid that there is just no place for you in Beacon Academy anymore," Ozpin explained.

"Wha... Wait. Are you expelling me?" Hera asked, looking shocked.

"That is the unfortunate case I'm handing out for you, Ms. Kingsley," Ozpin answered.

"And as an added bonus, I'm also having you relieved from your position in the UHL," Keaton said.

Hera's jaw dropped open in shock and disbelief. Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, CFDT, JAAR, OBSA, and CFVY, and the Ferrer twins and Liberty did not show any visible reaction upon hearing of Hera's expulsion, but they were all mentally cheering from this, knowing that they won't have to deal with Hera anymore.

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