Combat Practice

932 19 51

Mountain Glenn, Vale

U.H.L. Headquarters


September 30, 2020

Over two and a half weeks had now passed, all the students had gathered outside, sitting in bleachers surrounding an arena. Standing in the middle of the arena were Professors Ozpin, Theodore, Bellrose, General Ironwood, and Keaton.

"Students, it's time for another team combat match," Keaton announced.

"I'll be picking two teams at random now," Ozpin said as she tapped on her Scroll. "Team JAAR of Beacon Academy versus Team GUVV of Haven Academy."

As soon as the names were called, JAAR and GUVV stepped down from the bleachers and walked into the arena.

"The rules are the same as a combat style tournament. Your aura reaches red or you're knocked out of bounds, you're out. Last team standing wins," Ironwood explained.

Teams JAAR and GUVV walked onto opposite ends of the arena, then turned to face each other. Keaton and the four academies' headmasters all proceeded to walk out of the arena just as a large holoscreens appeared above the bleachers for everyone to see, displaying the faces of both teams and their aura meters. Team JAAR drew their weapons as Team GUVV did the same. Genji held an electric guitar similar to Azumi's, but was painted black. Uzra unsheathed a pulwar sword. Jason drew out a double barrel shotgun, and Justin pulls out a hilt as a cyan colored beam of light extended out of it.

Sitting out in the bleachers, Teams RWBY, CFDT, JNPR, and GRMA all watched in excitement. They looked over to GUVV and saw the weapon Justin was holding.

"A lightsaber. That boy. Has. A FUCKING LIGHTSABER?!" Robert asked.

"That... is... AWESOME!" Ruby exclaimed as she then tries to run down the bleachers, but Yang grabs on to her. "Oh my gosh! How did he make that?! How did he do it?! What did he use?! I must know its secrets! It's so cool! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

"Calm it down their, Ruby. We don't need you going weapons crazy again," Yang said, holding on to her sister.

"Allen, what do you make of it?" Britney asked.

Allen narrowed his eyes at the lightsaber for a moment, letting his semblance analyze it before speaking.

"Hard-light Dust is being used to manifest the blade and there is a capsule for other types of Dust to power up the blade for attacks," he said.

"So it won't cut through about anything like a normal lightsaber, but can use dust for other uses?" Jaune asked.

"Pretty much. But hey, this a step closer to creating an actual working lightsaber," Allen answered.

Just then, the P.A. goes off as Theodore spoke through it.

"Three! Two! One! GO!"

Teams JAAR and GUVV charged at each other as the battle now had begun. Azumi and Genji swung their guitars at each other and clashed, creating a small shockwave in the rushed at Uzra firing his pistols at her. She swerved around and dodged the shots coming towards her. Uzra gave a few swings at Watson with her sword as he stepped from side to side away from her attacks. Watson transformed Little Bladers into their karambit knives and swung them at Uzra who parried and blocked his attacks.

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