In or Not In

886 22 35

Dining Hall

At night in the dining hall, the students were all eating their dinner before they all headed straight to their dorm rooms for the night. Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT were all seated in the same table.

"Do any of you guys have any plans for the weekend?" Kelly asked.

"None that I can think of," Ruby answered.

"Just reading," Blake said.

"No surprise from you," Kendra said.

"I guess we could binge watch some movies or something," Ricky said.

"Can it be the MCU?" Jaune asked.

"Sure, I guess," Jacob answered.

"Hey guys," a voice called.

Everyone turned to see Teams OBSA and JAAR holding food trays.

"Mind if we all sit with you guys?" Oscar asked.

"No, not at all," Ruby answered.

'The two teams then sit next to the other four teams.

"So what are you guys up to?" Jesse asked.

"Trying to find something to do for the weekend," Ren answered.

"I don't want to fight any boredom tomorrow!" Nora said.

"Nobody does, Nora," Pyrrha said.

"I suggested watching some movies," Ricky said.

"Can we join?" Watson asked.

"If you want to, then sure you can," Britney answered.

"How about we watch that Amazon TV series The Boys? I heard that the show is good," Mercury suggested.

"If Oscar is joining, then that's a no. He's a little too young for that show," Rebecca said.

"I'm sure he can handle it," Jacket said.

"Yeah. A show that includes rape, hardcore nudity, and bloody graphic violence is fine for Oscar," Kelly sarcastically said.

"And the comics are arguably much worse than the show," Azumi added. "And also, I won't be joining you guys this weekend. I've got to go out into Vale and do my patrols. Crime isn't gonna clean up itself you know."

"Yeah. Sonic String is here," Emerald said with an eye roll.

"Would all students please report to the amphitheater in ten minutes, please," Glynda spoke over the PA system.

Everyone in the dining hall heard the message as several of the students got up from their seats and began to leave for the amphitheater.

"Wonder what's up," Allen said.

"Probably something important," Weiss said.

"Let's finish up here real quick and go see what the fuss is about," Yang said.



Several minutes later, the student body was all being gathered in the amphitheater. Teams RWBY, JNPR, OBSA, GRMA, JAAR, and CFDT had just entered inside the amphitheater. Up on the stage, Professor Ozpin and Glynda walked up to the microphone and Glynda then spoke.

"Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin has something to tell you all," she said.

The students all went silent as Glynda steps to the side and Ozpin steps up to the microphone.

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