Aloha, Hawaii!

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Honolulu, Hawaii

Hawaii State Capitol

October, 7 2020

In the state capital city of Honolulu, Ruby, Oscar, Ronin, Rin, Bolin, Allen, Sage, Neptune, Yatsuhashi, Reese, Dove, Sky, Penny, Cade, Maria, and Qrow were all inside the the governor's office in the Hawaiian state capitol building. They were all facing an old man sitting behind his desk. The man has graying slick back hair and a mustache. He wore a pale blue Hawaiian short sleeve dress shirt with white patterned flowers, olive green dress pants, and a pair of black dress shoes.

 He wore a pale blue Hawaiian short sleeve dress shirt with white patterned flowers, olive green dress pants, and a pair of black dress shoes

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"I am pleased to see that you all could make it here. My name is David Ige, Democratic governor of Hawaii," the man known as Governor Ide introduced himself.

"Hi," Ruby greeted with a small wave.

"What's up?" Qrow waved.

"So what are we all here for? What are these kids' missions?" Maria asked.

"There have been some Grimm activity going on in Hawaii, mostly outside of Honolulu, Ms. Calavera. Atfirst they came in very few numbers. We thought we could handle it at first, but more and more keep coming by the day. And it's starting to get to the point where it's overwhelming our law enforcement," Ide explained.

"So you want us to search around outside the city and find out what's causing the Grimm here?" Qrow asked.

"Yes. Do what you must. I'm not sure how much longer until the Grimm actually reach the city," Ide said.

"You can count on us, Governor!" Ruby said.

"We're combat ready!" Penny exclaimed.

"So which areas have the most Grimm activity?" Oscar asked.

"Waikiki Beach and the south side of the Summit of Diamond Head Crater. They mostly appear within those areas," Ide answered.

"We'll split up into two teams," Qrow said. "I'll take Neptune, Dove, Sage, Sky, Bolin, and Reese to the summit. The rest will go with the Grimm Reaper to Waikiki Beach."

"I'll fly around the south of the area and see if I can see some Grimm," Penny said.

"I'll join Penny and search from the waters," Cade said.

"Radio us all back when you find anything," Qrow said.

"Why do they get to the beach?! And not us?!" Sky asked.

"You would all get distracted easily," Qrow answered with a raised eyebrow.

"No we won't," Neptune argued.

"Then I guess you guys won't mind that I'll go shopping for a swimsuit to wear when we're at the beach," Maria said with a smirk.

"No! We'll stay with Qrow!" Dove exclaimed.

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