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Britney exits out of a restroom looking slightly tired. It had been an hour since she had lost her match with Hera. With a sigh she starts walking down the hall, but stops when she sees Rebecca, Robert, Kendra, and Teams GRMA, RWBY, JNPR, JAAR, and OBSA approaching her.

"Hey, Brits. Are you doing alright?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah. You looked like you were about to lose it when you got your butt kicked," Yang said.

"Yeah, just a little tired is all," Britney answered.

"You sure you're okay?" Ruby asked.

"I'm fine. Just Hera trying to get under my skin is all," Britney answered.

"Oh! Let's break her legs!" Nora exclaimed with a sinister grin.

"The Karen's cries will be music to our ears," Watson said.

"Can I join in on this action?" Jacket asked.

"Guys, I know you're all looking out for me and that you all don't like her, but we don't need to escalate this any further, even though she is a total bitch," Britney said.

"Hey, why don't we all go out. Maybe get some burgers from McDonald's or something," Robert asked.

"There's a roller skating rink with a karaoke stage and an arcade that had just opened up a couple days ago. We could all go there," Kelly said.

"Sure," Kendra said.

"We can do that," Jaune said

"I'm in," Yang said.

"I suppose so," Weiss said.

"Sounds fun," Jesse said.

"Let's do it!" Azumi exclaimed.

"Then let's get ready to go," Ruby said.

"Can we join you guys?" Emerald asked.

Everyone turned to face Emerald and Mercury.

"Well, I'm not sure if th-" Weiss gets cut off when Watson covers her mouth.

"Sure, you can come," Watson answered.

"Just... don't do anything we'll regret," Jaune said.

"I'll make sure they won't. I am their team leader," Oscar said.

"Hey you guys," a new voice called.

Everyone turned to see Sun and Neptune walking up to the group.

"We overheard that you guys were going out," Sun said.

"Mind if we join you guys?" Neptune asked.

"Sure, the more the merrier," Ricky answered.

"Then I guess you guys won't mind if we joined you all?" another new voice asked.

Everyone turned to see Team GUVV.

"We don't mind at all," Azumi answered.

"At this point it might as well be a party," Kelly said.

"Party time!" Nora exclaimed.

"Please let us join you," yet another new voice spoke.

Everyone turned to see Ronin, Rin, and Liberty.

"We need a break from our 'leader,'" Rin said.

"She just won't shut up about her victory against Britney here," Ronin said, gesturing to the leader of Team CFDT.

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