Twists and Turns

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Daniel Air Force Base


Back in the airfield of Daniel Air Force Base, Teams RWBY, GRMA, JNPR, CFDT, OBSA, and JAAR, and the Ferrer twins were all stunned to hear that Liberty was actually a spy hired by the Democrats to infiltrate the UHL for information to use against them.

"Wait! you're telling us that Liberty, the Fall Maiden, is a fucking spy hired by corrupt government officials to get some dirt on us?!" Azumi asked.

"And attempt to control us?!" Weiss added.

"I'm afraid that's the case," Cassandra said.

"Now we're down by two teammates," Ronin said.

"Guys! Focus! We need to find Liberty and fast," Britney said.

"But we also need to be cautious when approaching her. She is the Fall Maiden after all," Cassandra added.

"But the question is, where could she be now?" Ren asked.

Before anyone else could speak, an explosion suddenly gaveway out to an open field next to the runway. Everyone saw that a large hole on a wall was left behind from the explosion. And soon a large horde of Grimm was making their way towards the hole in the wall to make their way into the airfield.

"Ah crap," Jacket spoked.

"Grab your weapons!" Alex yelled.

An alarm loudly sounded throughout the airfield as the Grimm started to run in through the hole in the wall and into the field. The soldiers and the students all readied their weapons and began to open fire on the oncoming Grimm.

"This has got to have been Liberty's work!" Kendra said.

"Listen up! We've got some VIPs inside headquarters that will need extra protection! There's a possibility that Liberty might go for them! Team RWBY, Jacob, Britney, Watson, Emerald, Azumi, and the Ferrers will go to headquarters to provide extra security. the rest of us will stay behind and contain the threat of the Grimm!" Cassandra instructed.

"Now go! Move out!" Steel said.

Team RWBY, Jacob, Britney, Watson, Emerald, Azumi, and the Ferrer twins all turned around and started to make a run to UHL Headquarters, while the others stayed behind to fend off the Grimm.

"Why the heck would Liberty do this?! I thought we were friends!" Ruby wondered.

"We'll ask her when we find her!" Jacob said.

"Right now, those VIPs might need us! So our main concern is getting to them!" Weiss added.


UHL Headquarters

Mess Hall

Meanwhile inside the Mess Hall of the UHL Headquarters, Keaton, Professor Ozpin, General Ironwood, Qrow, Taiyang, Maria, Robyn and the Happy Huntresses, and Zwei, along with a couple secret service agents and several royal guards were watching over Rachel, Ashley, Pietro, Elon Musk, President Joe Biden, and Queen Elizabeth II who were seated at a couple tables. Zwei walked up to the Queen and gave out a happy bark at her. The Queen smiled at the corgi and reached down to scratch his head.

"Well aren't you quite the happy little chap," the Queen said as Zwei barked in response.

"Yeah. Zwei here is really something," Qrow said.

"So what was this little project you were working on, Mr. President?" Keaton asked.

"A special military project that will guarantee far less casualties when out in warfare," Biden replied.

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