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For as long as I can remember, he was a.... Quite child.

Quite, yet obedient.

Still, there was a pool of resentment hidden in the depths of his eyes.

So I stopped looking his way.

And soon enough, he stopped looking back too.

It was as if he hated everyone and everything, as if he wish for the world and everything to end.

Well, everything..... Except her.

I guess she really was his only 'humanity'.

And I guess I really should have believed them instead of something as pathetic as 'family'.

If only life had a 'rewind button'....

If only I had another chance.....

I would do my best-
I would make sure neither of them ends up like this.



The man, who is drenched in his own blood proceeds in the lab once all the guards and scientists are out. As he reaches the door, he once again coughs up blood.

"Found you"

Is what he mutters before heading- no, limping in the lab.

"Hold on just a bit more... I'll get you out of there"

Or atleast he tried to. Since before he can even step in the lab, everything is consumed by the darkness from which he probably will never wake up.

Isnt it a bit too late?

Were the only words ringing in his head before he was consumed by the darkness.

Twisted Fates (A rebirth ff)  Where stories live. Discover now