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(Frost's POV)

"I knew we were being followed.... Mana stop looking dumbfounded, I'll explain everything soon"

Frost deadpans the first statement at the undead boy who stood front of her. She and Neo hadn't yet intended to tell Mana anything but considering she just saw what Neo did, Frost knew she had to tell her.

Oh man...
This is gonna be hard....

Frost looks back at the undead boy.

"Who are you anyway?"

Frost raises a brow. She didn't know him from any timeline. Which was unusual, considering she had been through way too many timelines.

"Me? I'm Ellios Flier"

The undead boy smiles innocently.


"You're Esther's brother?"

Frost raises a brow. She did know Ellios Flier. But the problem was in every timeline Ellios was simply a mindless undead. So how had he managed to preserve his mind this time?

"What do you want?"

Frost asks. She wasn't too worried about Ellios attacking them.

"You're just going to ignore how he can speak like a human despite being zombie?"

Mana asks questioningly, standing behind Frost.

"Ah? I mean.... Yeah? Mana.... Just patience I said I'll explain everything later.... So patienc"

Frost glances at Mana sheepishly. Then turns back to Ellios, waiting for an answer.

"Oh don't worry, I want something really simple. I want-"

(Narrator's POV)

"Ian is dead..."

Parish says shakily. Iva sleeping on the bed behind her and Lena sitting by Iva's side. Lena was simply staring at her daughter, not upset about her husband's death at all.


Parish snaps, turning her head to look at Lena.

"Killed by Noah, yes, I heard"

Lena answers calmly - too calmly.


Parish sees Iva sleeping and hesitates, toning her voice down a few octaves.

"It was your husband.... Who got killed...."

Parish repeats, more softly this time.

"He tried to kill a defenseless child... Do you really expect me to defend that sort of behaviour?"

Lena asks sarcastically. She wasn't going to be upset over a bastard's death.

"That's what they said. But you can't tell for sure that's what really happened! Ian would never-"

Parish tries to argue only to be interrupted by Lena.

"Push a child to save his own life? That sounds about right. I have no doubt in my mind that he'd do that if push came to shove"

The lavender haired woman shuts Parish's argument down.

"Lena! Are you listening to yourself?! You're essentially justifying a murder!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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