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A good amount of military cars pass a board which says 'Asford'.

"Leng, general Bai is not responding to his cell."

A white haired guy informs the ravenette also knows as Leng who is sitting in the back.

"I can't contact our base in Koxu either"

A dark pink haired guy with a mullet also says from the passenger seat next to the white haired guy.

"Cant be helped. I'd already warned them. Of they're still alive, they'll contact us. We might need to set up some satellite connections in case they're unable to restore order before the power got knocked out. That aside, how far away are we from Zora, now?"

Leng explains then questions, having a white sheet of paper in his hand.

"In case you didn't know, these type of armored cars aren't exactly built for speed. It takes around 2 to 3 days to get to Zora from Koxu. We've only been driving for an evening since the outbreak happened. So I guess we have around 2 days or more to go. I know you're worried about your kid brother, but be patient. He'll be fine."

The mullet guy reassures.

"Fine? You saw those monsters. You really think a 12-year-old would be able to defend himself against those?"

Leng questions, irritated.

"Alright, you got a point. But can you atleast have some faith? Also, stay positive. Stop being so pessimistic, you're making me depressed"

The mullet replies. Leng just ignores the mullet guy and looks at the sheet of paper in his hand, which is a drawing showing to ravenettes. One older and one younger in a green garden, the older one possibly being Leng.

"Oh? Isn't that En's drawing? Haven't seen that drawing in a long time. I'm surprised you still kept it on you. No wonder everyone in the team teased and called you a bro-con."

Mullet guy teases.

"Ike, sit back down and buckle up."

The white haired guy order the mullet whose name apparently is 'Ike'.

"Relax. We've been driving for a while and nothing's happened yet--"

Ike starts but gets interrupted by the walkie talkie speaking.

"Hey, bad news. The way forward's blocked."

The statistic voice makes Ike sweat drop.

"You were saying....!?"

The white guy questions.

"This route is filled with those monsters."

The statistic voice speaks again.

"Cant we just run them over?"

Ike sweat drops.

"Well, there's a problem with that too. The street's too narrow. We can't go at full speed. We won't be able to charge through this many of them"

The statistic voice explains.

"Oh man, this city sure has a population control problem."

Ike jokes.

"Stop joking around. Leng they saw us. We need to go or they will surround us. I suggest we take a detour"

The silver guy suggests.

"That'll delay our plan"

Leng puts the drawing away before proceeding to unlock the door and getting out of the car.

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