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(In the food section)

"Joseph, said the grand sale was mostly downstairs where the electronics are."

Wyn explains.

"That explains the emptiness of this place"

The old man replies, calm.

"And that's a good thing?"

Wyn questions, sounding unsure.

"Yeah. Less likely to get surrounded by a warm of them. But also this place's quite spacious. Undead could be lurking in any corner. Let's split up into atleast 2 people a group. We will be back in 15 minutes."

The old hag explains then commands.

"Neo~ Let's group up <3"

The leech says getting completely ignored.

"Neo~ Let's group up <3"

Frost mocks under her breath making the raven boy chuckle.

"Hey Frost, wanna team up?"

Mana offers before Neo can even say anything. Frost looks around a bit before answering.

"Um.... Really sorry but can you team up with someone else Mana?"

Frost says in an apologetic voice. Mana just nods and proceeds to team up with a random kid from group. Once Mana's out of sight, Frost turns to Neo.

"You coming or teamed up already?"

The raven girl asks looking mockingly at Ysabelle who in return, glares.

"Let's go"

Neo is already leaving followed by Frost. Ysabelle is about to follow them but she has to accompany some random kid from their group because he apparently doesn't have any partner.

"What bullcrap did you try this time Neo?"

Frost has utter annoyance in her voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

Neo's voice is nonchalant.

"Oh yeah? Then how the fuck did I already turn?!"

Frost asks showing her undead eye making Neo widen his.

"What the- Wait...... Could it be because of this?"

The boy questions to none in particular, playing with his scarlet earring.

"You mean the pact was formed with both of us since I was wearing it too and ended up turning me as a result?"

"That's a possibility."

Neo sighs and Frost runs her hand through her hair.

"Are you able to control it?"

"I don't really have the urge so that not a prob. But keeping this eye normal is since I usually always wore an eyepatch."

Vice versa.

"Wear an eyepatch this time too?"

"What am I supposed to tell Noah and Fey? Heck Noah might let me off the hook but Fey won't."

"Your brother sure is a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Don't you dare badmouth him right in front of me you emo"

The duo roll their eyes at the same time.


The duo are picking their necessities when an undead suddenly shows up right across Frost. Almost making her scream, not out of fear but because she was startled. If it wasn't for Neo covering her mouth from behind that is.

"How the heck are you scared of them if you can control them?!"

The boy exclaims in a whisper.

"I wasn't scared just startled!"

Is the reply.

The undead turns around a bit before leaving or rather trudging away. Once the undead is out of sight, Neo starts leaving with Frost right next to him, already knowing where they're heading.


The duo soon enough find the old hag talking with two people. Who leave after the duo is close enough.

"Neo? Is something the matter?"

Old hag questions glancing at the duo.

"There's an undead in the next aisle."

Neo informs, getting nudged by Frost when he says 'undead'.

"They seem to be scattered around the place. Some other people also spotted a few of them."

Thankfully Noah doesn't seem to notice Neo calling the undead, 'undead' instead of zombies.

"There doesn't seem to be a lot of them, luckily. But it'd still be dangerous if we were spotted. There isn't an exactly an easy way to kill them. I think we got enough supplies. We should leave now--"

Noah notices Li when he starts his last sentence. Noticing how Li is holding a girl with the girl's hands behind her back, like a criminal. An awkward silence suddenly takes over.


"Is there a crow in the mall or something?"

Frost wonders to herself under her breath.

"Probably the silence not the crow."

Neo answers anyway.

"I found her lurking behind the shelves."

Li reports.

"I.... I come in peace?"

The baby pink haired girl tries to joke, failing miserably.

"Stop joking around"

"I meant it! I wasn't sure if you were a zombie or a normal person, so I was just being careful. Can you let me go now?"

The girl says in a defensive tone.

"Master Noah will decide that."

Li as usual has her monotone voice making her almost seem like a robot.

A person? Alive? Here of all place?

Old hag thinks.

Didn't she help us once?

Definitely did.



Frost: Yep. I definitely suck at directions.
Neo: Remind me to NEVER let you lead the way.
Frost: Definitely will.


Who knows-
Maybe Frost is related to Zoro-

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