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"I told you, I lost faith long ago."


"No. Don't try to convince me otherwise. They will always be the reason I either live in hell or die. And I would have been fine had it Only been me, but they targeted you. Not once or twice either. And you know that"

She is probably the only one who can ever interrupt me. Frost has a serious expression on which is really rare so I just sigh and drop the topic.

Frost's POV

*Sigh* I wish Neo would just stop trying to get me to change my opinion on my so called 'biological parents'.

Just as Frost is lost in her thought, Neo manages to make a white furball to obey him. As Neo picks the furball up, Noah shows up out of the blue whose voice snaps Frost out of her thoughts.

"Isn't that Abel's dog? It is! I thought he looked familiar! He's got quite the attitude! How did you...."

Noah is as usual interrupted by Neo.

"What do you want?" Neo unsurprisingly has his uninterested voice laced with coldness.

Could you atleast let me finish my sentence?

Thinks Noah


Noah extends his hand which is holding a small box.

"Happy Birthday"

Neo glares at the taller figure as he glances at him.

"I hope you don't hate jewellery"

Noah has a smile as if Neo isn't currently glaring at him.

Neo puts the dog down and gets up while speaking.

"What's up with you today?"

He finishes finally grabbing the box from his 'father's' hand.

"Asking me about breakfast and now a birthday present?"

The younger raven opens the box as he mutters just loud enough for the older one to hear.

"And who gives a boy earrings for his birthday?"

The younger raven stares at the pair of scarlet earrings that he was just gifted with.

"I'm aware! The design is cool enough even for a boy, right?"

Noah asks and Frost finally decides to show up behind Neo, looking at the earrings.

Aren't those.....

The girl trails off as Neo speaks again.

"Is that so?"

"I thought it would suit you....."

The older raven sweat drops.

"Anyway, no birthday is complete without a cake! Let's go inside, I had Li bake a chocolate cake, your favourite. You too Frost, please join us"

Noah says turning around starting to leave.

"That's Abel's favourite. I like matcha flavour" Neo's words stab right through Noah's heart.

I knew I mixed up something.

Noah sweat drops in his head.

"Don't worry I asked Li to bake a matcha flavour cake earlier before coming here" Frost finally decides to join the conversation.

"You are a lifesaver Frost" Noah looks at the girl as if she is an angel.


The light gray eyed girl smiles awkwardly.

(In the hallway)

"You don't want to try the earring right now? I can help if you need a hand"

"No thanks"

"It shouldn't be too hard since you used to wear earrings when you were younger"

"I said 'no thanks'"

The father-son bicker even though its mostly Noah annoying Neo.

"Well, if you change your mind--"

Noah as usual is interrupted again.

Is he used to getting interrupted or something?

Frost wonders.

"Where is that son of a bitch...."

"Ian please watch your language in front of Iva"

Ian curses and Lena asks him not to in a quite and low voice.


"Oh look, speak of the devil"

Ian cuts Lena off.

"Good to see you too, Ian"

Noah replies sarcastically.

"What's with that attitude? Not happy to see you older brother, President Noah?" Ian asks putting his arm around Noah's shoulders.

"What do you want? Money? Again? As I recall you have been holding 20% of the company's stocks. How about you make some use of them and stop leeching off of me?"

Noah fixes his glasses before continuing again.

"We might be brothers, but I can't keep spoonfeeding you forever, Ian"

"You are as unfriendly as ever I see, you little shit"

Ian curses at Noah, completely pissed.

First off, I'm really sorry for not updating for so long due to exams. And as I had mentioned earlier, now that my exams are finally over I'm updating again.

I'll soon make a introduction chapter for every character introduced so far.

Hope you guys like this part~
Have a good day/night~

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