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"Waking me up? For what?"

"Breakfast is ready...."

"Breakfast? That's new.... When did you ever bother to call me down for any meal?"

Neo asks getting suspicious

Somehow this kid is more spiteful than I remember....

Noah thinks having a sweat drop.

"Well, breakfast is an important meal"

"Is that so?"

Neo asks in his usual- bored voice.

"Yes, we should go eat. And please get off of me while you're at it"

"No thanks, its noisy down there"

The back-haired boy replies while getting off his dad.

I expected as much. Even i dont really wanna go down there....
Hold on.
If we both don't want to go downstairs, maybe we could just enjoy breakfast in his room?
It could be a perfect opportunity for some quality father-son bonding time!

Noah imagines a 'sweet' Neo who probably doesn't exist.

"Hey, Neo so-"

The man starts before getting interrupted by his son.

"If you are about to suggest that we should have breakfast together in my room, then I refuse"

The boy already knowing his father's intentions speaks, making him freeze.

"Why not?"

"I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat."

"Neo, 'not hungry' is not a legitimate reason to skip breakfast."

"Oh? I always skip breakfast. Why did you choose today to suddenly give a damn?"

Silence fills the room and in the end Noah gets kicked out cuz he couldn't find a proper reason to stick around.

(In the living room)

"Good morning Frost!"


Parish greets Frost as she greets back. Abel too goes in for a hug which Frost gladly accepts.

"Good morning!"

"Morning to you too Abel!"

Abel giggles and let's go of the girl.

"Here for Neo again?"

"Yeah. I hope I'm not being a burden though"

"Of course not dear! You'll never be a burden here! You're just like a family to us"

"Aww. Thank you!"

"Of course dear"

And with that the conversation between Parish and Frost ends.

Why waste your time on that kid?

Parish thinks as she stares at the girl's figure which soon disappears.

(In the hallway)

Would have been better had you seen Neo as a family instead of me.

The girl thinks as she once again takes a turn and is in front of Neo's room. With Noah and Li just standing there staring at his door.

"Morning Li!"

"Good morning Ms. Frost"

Frost greets and Li does the same.

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