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(When both the groups enter the mall)
(Neo's POV)

The old man stares at the mall's map before asking Wyn a question.

"Is there a reason why the food section is on the top floor?"

"The mall originally didn't have a food section. It was recently added a few months ago."

Wyn explains.

"This is going to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Even if we managed to get upstairs undetected, getting downstairs and out of here is going to be a whole another problem."

The old hag says in a kinda worried tone, probably chickening out at the last minute.

"Well, we'll just have to make it work. Wyn, your city, your mall. You know the way around here. Lead us. Try to avoid populated areas. That should minimise the chances of us running into one of those things. And you four, stick to the group. Don't wander off on your own without telling anyone."

The man nags. But guess he wasn't chickening out after all.

"Got it, Got it."

Ysabelle- or rather the leech says not paying attention to anything but a certain someone.

"Stop nagging. Only women do that."

Neo has his monotone voice.

"Excuse me for worrying about your safety. Plus, I wouldn't say that if I were you."

The old man says before starting to head upstairs leaving Neo confused. It takes only a minute for Neo to realise the glare staring into his soul. The boy sweat drops and proceeds to follow the group, trying to act like the glare doesn't exist.

I should start watching my mouth....

The group thankfully reach the top floor without any difficulties and having to deal with only one undead. Everyone is scattered on the whole floor, searching for necessities.

"Neo shouldn't we look for clothes too?"

The leech asks not getting an answer and pouting because of it.

(A/n: Don't be offended, this is just what Neo would call Ysabelle and since this is his POV I'm mostly using names Neo would call ppl with in his head)

Neo ignores her and looks around for Frost. Spotting Frost and Mana talking together, Frost holding a watch. The boy decides to sneak up on her.

As Neo nears the two girls, Mana notices him but Frost doesn't. Mana is about to speak but Neo signals her not to and she acts like he doesn't exist. Ysabelle is surprisingly quite behind him too.

"By the way Frost, what's up with that bandage on your neck?"

Mana asks and Frost chuckles nervously.

"Well I may or may not have almost cut my throat while trying to stop an undead from biting me.....?"

The raven's voice is dry with clear nervousness.

"I'm really starting to think you're going to get yourself killed instead of those zombies killing you"

"Short people tend to be dumb and reckless"

Neo teases having his chin on Frost's head because she is shorter. The shortie instantly grows an irk mark on her head.

"If your only here to offend me with my height then fuck off Neo"

"Who's that for?"

Neo ignores the shortie's warning and asks pointing at the watch in Frost's hands even though he 'knows' who it's for.

"Hmm? Oh, I was planning on giving it to Mr. Noah"

It's Frost's turn to tease this time and Neo's turn to grow an irk mark.

"You sure have become real generous recently"

"Emo people tend to have more mood swings than normal people, proven by Harvard's survey. So always keep that in mind Mana"

Frost ignores the boy's warning this time and tells Mana.

"Don't drag me in this"

Mana shoots her hands up in defence and Frost puts on a playful betrayed expression, which soon vanishes.

"Neo~ why don't you take this t-shirt? We'll have matching ones~"

The raven duo cringe at the high pitched voice whose owner had apparently left to get those tshirts she got from God knows where...

"...... Who even are you?"

Neo asks glancing at the girl making Frost stifle her laughter.

"*Gasp* Neo how can you say that! We are Best friends!"

Frost once again cringes at the statement.

Neo turns to Frost.

"...... Isn't this the first time we met this girl?"

He questions genuinely confused.

"*Sigh* Neo, do you even remember the girl who would follow you around at school?"

"Sounds like y--"

Neo starts his answer but is interrupted by an annoyed Frost.

"Except me."

It takes good 5 minutes for the bells to ring for Neo. All the while, Frost receiving glares which the raven boy is completely unaware of.

"Oh yeah, you mean the leech"

The boy says in his monotone voice. Ysabelle gasps again with a hurtful expression and Frost and Mana chuckle.

"Nice name"

Mana comments.

"Mana! How dare you! I've saved your life!"

"You haven't! My po--"

Mana stops herself from completing her sentence.

"You don't have to stop yourself, we already know it's you who can actually see the future."

Frost comments.


Both Mana and Ysabelle stutter.

"That's something for us to know and you two to find out"

Neo answers this time. Silence befalls and the atmosphere becomes heavy. So heavy that it starts bothering all four of them but everyone refuses to be the first one to speak. Noah notices the group and the strange atmosphere around them and decides to head over.

"What's, going on here?"

The man questions.

"Oh, nothing.... We were just, talking"

Frost answers.

"Alright, but you kids should hurry up, we're going to the food section now."


The old man leaves and soon enough they all go to the food section.

As you must have noticed-
This is just like a filler chap-
I just wanted to update twice but didn't wanna do another chap either-
Hence this-
Hope you enjoyed~

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