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"I.... I come in peace?"

The baby pink haired girl tries to joke, failing miserably.

"Stop joking around"

"I meant it! I wasn't sure if you were a zombie or a normal person, so I was just being careful. Can you let me go now?"

The girl says in a defensive tone.

"Master Noah will decide that."

Li as usual has her monotone voice making her almost seem like a robot.

A person? Alive? Here of all place?

Old hag thinks.

Didn't she help us once?

Definitely did.


"Besides you, there are also others that are stuck on this floor of the mall?"

Old man questions.

"When I woke up, the whole place was already swarming with those things. Downstairs was a bloodbath, so upstairs we went. A few of us got picked up by a couple of military trained guys and we ran to find a safe place."

The pinkette tells her story. Which not gonna lie is pretty boring.

"Then why haven't you guys escaped yet? The undead scatter after some time without any specific target. It shouldn't be too hard to make an escape plan"

Noah finds a fault in the story.

(Noah's POV)

"About that. We have a little complication regarding the abilities of our group's members."

This girl just seems like a trouble but I guess I could play along for sometime...


Wyn mutters which is heard by the pinkette.

"It's pretty hard to form an escape plan when you have yourself a pregnant lady, an old man, and some useless teenagers. The only capable ones are the military brothers. But of course, they don't want to leave anyone behind, even if they are a burden"

Is that really how a teen is supposed to think?

Noah sweatdrops

"Then why are you still with them? You're wandering around this place like no one's business. You could have just left."

This time it's Li who finds the fault.

"Let's just say, according to my calculations, I wouldn't be able to make it out just all by myself."

The girl answers, clearly beating around the bush.

"You mean you tried and failed and now you're scared. Just keep it short"

Neo's words stab right through the pinkette.

"Emotional damage"

Frost says in the exact voice as the meme getting smacked in the process.

"Straightforward, I like you, kid-"

"You're not my type"

Neo answers, interrupting the pinkette.


"Shut up"


This time it's Frost who was interrupted by Neo, still trying to hold in her laughter after looking at the depressed girl.

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