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A young Noah coughs as his father comes up behind him.

"Are you ok son? You should get some rest"

"I'm fine, dad. I want to do well in the upcoming entrance exam. Let me study a little more"

The little Noah assures his worried father.

"Don't push yourself too hard. Your health is important too. If only that troublemaker of a, son, could be just a little like you...."

"Don't be too harsh on brother,, dad. I got this. Leave him be"

The little boy tells his dad.

'I am inferior'
I knew that fact, ever since I was little.
I was born from the head of the Collin's Household's second wife: An average woman, with nothing special about her.
But I didn't want to remain average.
I didn't want to be just another member of the family.
Luckily, for me, the first wife's son, the 'supposed' official heir to the family company, was a total good-for-nothing.

All I had to do was prove to be the more intelligent and hardworking son between us.
That was all it took father to realize who should be the successor to the family company.

"Oh? Isn't that my cute, little, sickly brother? Like acting sick wasn't enough to gain father's favour, now you're trying to be the hardworking son as well? Don't push yourself too hard. What if your heart gave out?"

A young Ian mocks the little Noah in a party, among many people who was just minding his own business.

Honestly, my brother didn't prove to be much of an opponent.

Noah thinks as the flashback of his childhood finally ends. Even if Noah was successful and living the life of many's dream, it still didn't change the fact that he had to sacrifice a lot of things and loose his childhood just to get where he was today.

"Father was foolish to give the company to the likes of you. All you know is how to act weak and sickly to get special treatment. You piss me off, Noah. The company was supposed to be mine! What right does the son of a whore have to take it away from me?!" Ian continues to ramble with his arms crossed while Noah doesn't give a shit to any of his words.

Iva peeks out from behind her mother." Uncle Noah❤️"

The little girl whispers happily with a small wave. Unknown to her, just a small action as a wave made Noah have another flashback.


Lena yells as Iva is pushed off the roof.


Lena yells ready to kill Ian but Li holds her back.


Ian yells back and the flash back ends.

"Hey, Jack ass, are you even listening?!"

"Wasn't listening"


Noah answers Ian while heading towards Iva as Ian gets pissed off even more.

"Long time no see, uncle Noah!"

Iva exclaims

"Hey Iva, long time no see. Did you know today is Neo's birthday?"

Noah asks as Neo's existence is finally acknowledged while Iva looks at Neo with sparkles all around her. Frost suppresses her urge to laugh at how cute Iva is.

"Is it?! Happy Birthday cousin Neo!"

Iva greets with enthusiasm.

"Birthday? When did you start celebrating his birthday?"

Ian asks with venom in his voice which Neo ignored but two others don't.

"Should I just kill him right here and now?"

Frost mumble which is only heard by Neo who grabs her hand to prevent her from murdering Ian.

"Another word and you are on your own for the next month, Ian"

Noah's voice is so cold that even the teen duo gets chills down their spine.

"Oh, scary. Fine, I'll shut up"

Ian mocks again with his hands up in 'surrender' wich only builds up the tension.


Iva tugs on Noah's sleeve and once Noah looks at her, she has stars in her eyes.

"Will there be birthday cake, uncle Noah?"

The tension decreases a bit as Noah smiles and crouches down to Iva's level.

"Of course there is. Would you like to join us Iva?"


Noah asks and gets answered by Ian's warning voice instead.

"S-sorry, I would love to but I already ate.... I hope cousin Neo will enjoy the cake though!"

Iva reluctantly but politely declines.

"Haha, too bad then. Iva, you're such a good kid. Now only if your dad could listen as well as you do...."

Noah says patting Iva's head.

"Asshole, I heard that"

Ian curses.

"I wasn't exactly whispering"

His younger 'brother' replies.

"Let's go Neo and Frost"

The trio starts leaving

"Isn't Noah a but different?"

Lena finally asks.

"What's different? He's still a rude and arrogant bastard"

Ian replies still pissed.

(With the trio)

The two teens and Noah are walking side by side when Noah suddenly notices his son holding Frost's hand. Well- let's just say Noah isn't that bright when it comes to NOT misunderstanding something. Initially Neo had grabbed Frost's hand to keep her from murdering Ian but who's gonna tell Noah?

This is probably going to be the only ship I make, support and make sure happens in my life

Noah thinks smiling.

"Tempting a little girl with cake sounds like something a perverted old man would do" Neo finally breaks the silence.

"P-perverted?? Ouch. You savage"

"I mean.... He's not exactly wrong you know"

Frost agrees with Neo chuckling.

"And here I thought you were on my side Frost:')" Noah says dramatically putting a hand on his heart as if it was just shot.

"You should get an Oscar for being a cringy high-school lovesick girl"

Neo says nonchalantly and that's when Frost finally loses it, bursting out laughing.

"Hey! Atleast I don't go around holding hands you know"

Noah whines as the two teens realize they have indeed been holding hands, immediately separating. Both of them blushing crimson, except Neo's blush gets covered by his mask while Frost couldn't do anything as she forgot hers.


The girl screams in her head.


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