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(3rd Person POV)

The birds chirp as the alarm goes off. A man with raven hair slowly opens his eyes and gets up. He looks at his phone which has a sticky note on it reading 'Finish the papers for tom's meeting'

My cellphone.... I never thought I'd see this again....

The man thinks as he takes and stares at his phone.

This place....
This room is awfully familiar

The man is pulled out of his thoughts by knocks on the door. Although hesitant he replies.

"Come in..."

A brunet enters the room.

"Master Collins, good morning. The breakfast is ready."

The person speaks as Noah turns his head to face her with a bit of confusion.

"..... Li?"

He calls out.

"Yes? Is something the matter?"

Li asks, her green eyes staring at him.

"No, nothing"

Noah looks away awkwardly while waving his hand, indicating its nothing.

"Then, please pardon me"

Li bows and proceeds to open the curtains which lets the sunlight in the room.

"Please live"

Noah can still vividly remember Li's last words along with the ice on her neck which must have hurt like hell.

"Hey Li..."

Noah starts making Li glance at him.


"This may sound strange, but can you tell me today's date? Year included please"

"Today is October 28th, 20XX, Sir"

Li replies to Noah's question which she finds strange but decides not to ask anything.

20XX? That's a 6 years difference....
Could this be a dream? A near-death flashback?
Although this feels too real to be a dream....
Then, time travel?

Noah notices Li still there.

"That's all I wanted to ask. You can go now." Noah says getting even more awkward.

"As you wish sir" Li bows and leaves.

Time travel huh?
Considering the variety of powers we have discovered, time travel seems the most plausible answer.

Noah starts heading to the bathroom still deep in his thoughts.

20XX, so I would 29 right now

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