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(A/n: ✨I hate flashbacks✨)

Noah, Abel, Parish and Lena are sitting around a campfire after getting rescued by Neo's group. While Neo, Frost, Mana and Ysabelle are standing leaning on their van. Frost is sleeping on Neo's shoulder as Neo is keeping Ysabelle from trying to do that too. Mana is just silently standing.

Suddenly, Lena stands up and goes to the group. As soon as she is near them, Frost wakes up and stands up straight.

"E-Excuse me.... N-None of you have eaten yet, have you? Here y-you can have mine-"

Lena says getting no reaction from anyone.

"Y-You don't want to?"

She asks in a quite voice.


Neo starts but gets interrupted by Frost.

"It's alright. We aren't hungry so you should eat it."

Frost says with a smile.

"Ah, okay..... I-I just wanted to talk to you all a little bit."

Lena says looking a bit down. Frost opens her mouth to say something but changes her mind and goes back to sleep.

Noah notices the scene unfold and thinks.

Frost must be someone important for Neo to let her sleep like that....

(End of Flashback)

"Stop being so rude! Aren't we on the same boat? Shouldn't we help each other out? The more people the better isn't it?"

Ysabelle argues.

"Of course if you wanna die of starvation that is."

Frost's irritation finally gets the best of her.

"Huh!? What do you mean?"

Ysabelle has some other tone to her voice which Noah can't really figure out.

"Frost is right. That's not how it works. Food and water'll be scarce if the order is not restored soon and the undead are not eradicated."

Who would've thought we'd run into them this early into the Armageddon?
But that's to be expected since I kept both Neo and Frost with us in this timeline.

Noah thinks

"T-That's right. We alone already have trouble with food and water....."

Parish for once, agrees with Noah.

"Talking about food and water, I see a mall in the distance, do you think we should stop by there?"

Li questions Noah.

"Mall? Do you mean, that mall over there.....?"

Wyn asks, pointing at a mall in the distance. As everyone squint there eyes and see properly in the mall, it can be seen swarming with hoards of undead.

A chill runs down everyone's spine.


"Is that.....?"

Ian starts his question but trails off.

"It's exactly what you're thinking. Swarming those glass door are those monsters. The morning the outbreak happened, the mall was having a grand sale. As a result, right now, that mall is infested with those monsters."

Wyn confirms everyone's assumptions.

Well then, I guess I know why there's an exceptional amount of survivors here right now.
They got lucky since the majority of city's population seems to be inside that mall.

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