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"What vent?"

Azael questions as he leans on Noah's shoulder with interest.

"Oh, that vent over there? We think that's one of the ventilations that connect throughout the floor"

Azael explains.

"Why are you acting all buddy with my Master? Get away from him."

Li shows up, pointing her baseball bat at Azael.

"Force of habit....... Is that blood on your bat?"

Azael sweatdrops.

"Oh wait..... Now that you mention it, the vent does lead out of this room"

Azael realises.

"Can't you see how small that thing is? Who do you think will even-"

Ian notices Ysabelle's bright presence.


Ian continues Anyway.

"I can do it!! Let me do it!!"

Ysabelle says trying to get attention on herself.

"This is not a game. What's with that chirpy attitude?"

Noah questions.

"I will go."

Neo suddenly says making Ysabelle glare at him and Frost look like she saw a gh- nevermind not a ghost but a perfect world.

(A/n: If yk then yk)


"I said I will go"

Neo repeats himself at Ysabelle's question.

"But won't it be too dangerous regardless of who goes?"

Mana mumbles.

"But u volunteered first!"

Ysabelle exclaims making Mana's question go unnoticed. By everyone but Frost that is.

"What does volunteering have anything to do with this? What're you gonna do about a horde of undead when you're scared witless by just the sight of one of them"

Neo's voice is cold for once. Ysabelle shrinks knowing Neo is saying the facts.

"Don't volunteer just because you think it's fun"

Neo continues.

"Ysabelle this is not a time to be stubborn"

Wyn agrees with Neo while patting Ysabelle on the shoulder.

Neo wants to go?
But it's dangerous.

Noah thinks, unsure if he should let his son go or not.

"Whats with that look? You think I'm useless too?"

Neo asks Noah, tilting his head to the side.

"More like reckless. Who knows, you just might come back as a zombie."

Frost pops up next to Neo who glares at her.

"And? Its not like we've many choices"

Neo states.

"Sure but still a better choice than letting you go"

Frost has a sly smile on her face.

"No you don't"

"What choice are you talking about Frost?"

Noah questions ignoring Neo.

"I can go. Less likely to get killed or turned"

Frost states facts.

I mean, she is right.

Noah thinks for a minute before speaking.

"Alright it's decided. Frost you'll be the one to distract the undead."

Frost smiles in victory.

"You really do think that I'm useless"

Neo leaves after saying that making Noah a tad bit worried which Frost notices.

"You shouldn't worry Mr.Noah, he's just sulking"

"Are you sure it's just sulking?"

"I don't know about you but I've known him for quite long."

Frost goes towards Neo, throwing her bag on him and going in the vent before the boy could even react.

Just two minutes after Frost is out of sight, the banging stops.

"The banging stopped"

Li states, being the first one to notice the silence.

"Did the zombies get lured away?"

Valence questions, still a bit unsure.

"What about Frost?"

To everyone's surprise, Noah and Neo question at the same time.

"Now that I think about it. We never established how she should lure the monsters away...."

Wyn has his finger on his chin, in a thinking manner.

"What are you trying to imply?"

Noah questions.

"She knows what she's doing"

Neo continues.

Both the father and son have dark auras around them.

"Good to know that my abilities are being acknowledged~"

Frost has a teasing voice as she finally comes into view again.

"Anyway, better get a move on. They're not going to stay distracted for too long."

Frost states dusting herself off after getting out of the vent.


"The coast's clear. I'll give instructions on the way, stay together and don't get separated."

Theo instructs as the door to the storage room is opened by Azael and Wyn.

"Mr. and Mrs. Barron, I'll be helping you guys as we make our way out of here."

Theo says, turning to the old couple.

"Thank you Theo...."

The couple thank the military man.

(Frost's POV)

Emo throws Frost's bag back at me.

"I'm not a human hook"

The boy states.

"How harsh."

The teasing still doesn't leave Frost's voice which irks Emo a bit. When suddenly Mr.Noah comes over.

"Thank you for doing something so dangerous Frost"

The older ravenette thanks Frost.

"You don't have to thank me Mr. Noah, I did it for myself"

After all, I can't have us dieing this early into the timeline.

School's been hectic-
Hope everyone's surviving out there-

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