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(A/N: Eat a snickers dude you ain't yourself when you're hungry-)


The car speeding past the undead catches their attention, but they don't bother to chase after it for some reason.

"It's worse than I thought...."

Parish voices her thoughts as a big crowd of undead comes into view.

"The nearest police station is on the other side of that crowd. If you still want to go there."

Noah informs.

"I-I'm not sure anymore..... It doesn't seem like we can charge through that many of them"

Parish implies.

"The entire city is in chaos, I doubt the police will be able to babysit us anyway..."

Noah, who is driving the car suddenly stomps on the break. The car stops making everyone jerk to the front. And Frost practically ends up banging her head on the dashboard.

"W-What happened?"

Parish questions.

"Oww. That hurt."

Frost whines.

"A girl jumped in front of the car. And Frost, Neo please put on your seat belt."

Suddenly the girl who had jumped in front of the car, starts banging on the window. The girl is a redhead with golden eyes. Neo and Frost, ignoring the girl decide to put their seatbelt on to avoid Frost from cracking open her head (which she probably will some day due to her dumbness).

The redhead starts saying something inaudible, looking like she is pleading something.

"I think she's asking for our help...."

Lena assumes.

"Don't be absurd, we've no room in here..."

I would've helped her if I didn't plan on letting someone else tag along.

Noah thinks.

"We don't even know her, or what she wants from us."

Noah for once, agrees with Ian.


Lena starts just before the redhead starts banging on the car's window. Which is when the group in the car finally notice four other people at a small distance, saying something. Probably calling the redhead over so they could leave.

"I-Is that her friends....? They don't look very friendly..."

Lena starts hesitating about her idea to help too. The redhead kicks the car's door in anger before leaving.

"Did they just?"

Parish questions.

"Or she just wanted the car, of course."

"That was common sense."

Neo's comment somehow goes unnoticed.

The Armageddon only just started and everything's going to hell already.

Noah sighs.

"The city police's really out of comission if they let those kind out people wreak havoc like that...."

Parish voices her opinion.

(A/n: Even if none asked for it-)

"The city police is out of the question then. Let's go to Koxu, its near the capital and it has biggest military base."

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