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As for October 28th...
Didn't the first solar eclipse happen on October 29th, 20XX?

Noah thinks while getting ready.

October 29th, 20XX marked the darkest day in human history.
A solar eclipse happened suddenly, igniting what would later be known as....


People suddenly fell into slumber, and chaos ensued...
But that wasn't all the eclipse brought with it.
When the sun reappeared, the world was no longer the same.
People woke up to a terror only thought to exist in fiction.
And with that, the society crumbled.
Humanity no longer stood at the top of the food chain.

Did the Armageddon I remember really happen? Or was it all just a dream? And this is the reality?

"Whatever the case, this isn't so bad"

Noah is finally done getting ready and half analysing the situation.

Whether or not the Armageddon will take place. The fact is that I'm here.

"With that said. I probably need to take care of this."

Noah says as he looks at the note which was previously on his phone. He dials a number which is soon picked up by one of coworker.


"Sir? Calling me on a Sunday like this.... Is there something you need?" The person asks.

"I'm not coming to work tomorrow. I'm not feeling well. I don't think I can finish up all the needed documents for the meeting" Noah says calmly.

"Have you been staying up late working again? Work is important, but so is your health.... I will notify the others and move the meeting back" The person on the other side of the phone has a bit concerned voice.

"Thanks Xavier"

"Is that all sir?"

"You know, you should stay home tomorrow, too"

"Huh? Why? Did something happen?"

"Don't ask. Just take the day off. I won't deduct it from your vacation time. Get your family together. Stay home, don't go outside"

".... Alright, sir"


And with that the call ends.

Hopefully Xavier heeds my advice and stays home....
The Armageddon might have just been a bad dream, but I can't be sure.
For everyone's sake let's hope it never comes.
Tomorrow is the solar eclipse....
I'm really crunched on time if I want to prepare for it, aren't I?

As soon as Noah enters the dining room, he is pulled out of his thoughts once again by Parish and Abel greeting him.

"Good morning dear! You're finally up, I was starting to get worried. Honestly, I keep telling you not to stay up so late."

Noah instantly gets a flashback after seeing Parish.

"Noah, don't you feel sorry for me? Why did I get stuck with a dead man like you? We can drop the family charade. Do you think we ever gave a damn about you?"

Family, huh?

Noah has a blank face as he proceeds down the stairs.


Abel exclaims as Noah glances at him.

"Are we going to the park today?"

Abel beams while Noah gets another flashback.

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