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Frost proceeds to control her drone, making it crash into a house across the street. The drone makes a loud crashing sound since it was carrying heaving metals. This catches the attention of the undead and all of them rush towards it.

Taking the chance, she throws down the rope made from her sheets just like Noah had earlier, clueless that she is being watched by the Collins who are amused (except Neo) at her technique.

"The kid's pretty smart, I'll give her that"

Ian comments pretty impressed.

Frost starts climbing down with the help of the rope, just as she gets near her parents window she catches a sight of them wandering around the room already turned into undeads. The girl smiles bitterly before continuing to climb down.

Once she is down, she encourages Fey to climb down too which he does with a lot of hesitation. Once both the kids are down Noah finally snaps out of it and orders everyone to go in the garage which they do.

"Why aren't you closing the gate yet, dear?"

Parish asks.

"We'll wait for 5 minutes so that Frost and whoever that kid was with her, can get here."

"Will we even have enough space for them though?"

Ian for once asks calmly.

"Neo and Frost can sit together in the front and Fey can sit on Li's lap."

Noah concludes.

Just as he does so Fey runs in the garage panting. Soon enough followed by a bloodied Frost.


The girl murmurs taking off her jacket that is soaked in blood.

"Is that a bite wound on your neck?"

"Will you even believe it if I say no?"

Frost answers Ian's question with another one.

"Ignore my brother Frost..... But seriously, is that a knife wound or a bite one?"

She was pretty famous for somehow always getting always bitten and also always putting a knife between herself and the undead's teeth to prevent it from biting her in the last timeline...

The ravenette thinks.

"Knife wound. I would be dumb to get bitten."

Just as I thought.

Noah sighs in relief internally as his assumption is proved right.


"Looks like those annoying creatures are coming back...."

Frost states, poking her wound. Noah once again remembers they are in the middle of an apocalypse and closes the gate of the garage immediately.

"Cut the chit chat now. Where are we going? We've got nothing on us. Besides your stupid bag that came out of nowhere"

Ian speaks rudely. And it is only now that Frost notices the bag Noah had with him.

"Since we've got access to the car now. Shouldn't we reach the police?"

Lena says actually sounding logical to whoever doesn't have 'extra knowledge'.

"Yeah, L-let's go to the police. They should know what's going on. They'll help us."

Parish says scared and agreeing with Lena.

"You really think the police would--"

Noah starts but stops midsentence.

Never mind. It takes too much effort trying to explain the situation to them.

"Fine. Let's go to the police station."

It's easier to let them see it for themselves when we get on the road.

Noah thinks, acting along with everyone. Knowing very well what's going to happen next.

Huh? Doesn't he know better than to not head to the police station?

Neo, someone and Frost all have the same thought.

"Dear, what were you going to say about the police?"

Parish asking bending down to the window level to be able to see Noah.

"Nothing. You and Able can sit in the back along with Lena, Iva, Ian, Li and Fey. Fey can sit next to Li since there should be some space left even after you adults sit. Abel can sit on Parish's lap and Iva on Lena's. Frost and Neo sit in the front. Frost you are pretty tiny so the seat should be enough for both of you"

Noah assigns everyone their seats.

"Mr. Collins are you seriously insulting me right now?"

Frost asks offended, still poking her wound.

(A/n: Sounds like me-)

"I'm not!"

Noah panics.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

Frost gets in the car anyway even though she still is offended, followed by Neo.

(A/n: I know yall little shits have a dirty mind so before you get any ideas stop right there. Cuz Neo and Frost are sitting like sometimes how kids share the front seat when they can't back down from it. If you know what I mean?)

Once everyone is finally settled, Noah puts on his seat belt.

"Stop poking your wound you idiot."

"Aww but it's-- *wince*"

Neo glares at Frost who sweat drops and finally stops poking her wound.

"I really sometimes wonder how we are friends"

Neo says annoyed a bit.

"Aww come on. You know you would just be in some corner all depressed and emo right now if not for me and if this apocalypse didn't happen"

Frost teases.


Noah laughs quietly.

"Shut up."

The younger raven gets even more annoyed.

(A/n: Is he ever not annoyed though?)

"Sorry, I'm not laughing at you...... Maybe"

Noah says trying to sound like he's not laughing even though he obviously is.



The undead finally start banging on the garage shutter. Noah presses the open button and the shutter opens with a loud creak.

"Now that I remember, it's been a while since I drove...."

Noah starts chickening out a bit at the last moment.

"Then you better drive like your life depends on it..."

"Doesn't it though? I mean, if he can't drive properly then we all including him die."


Neo decides to shut up after Frost states the obvious.

"*Chuckle* Frost you are the only person I know who can state the obvious and still make more sense. And Neo have you always been this demanding?"

Noah says with a sweat drop smile as the shutter opens letting the light enter the dark garage along with the undeas's groans.


I just invented a new smile-
And two updates on the same day-

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