Chapter 118: Sister's Wedding

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I opened my eyes and sat up.

Dazai sat up as well and yawned.

I looked at my phone. "Wait... THE WEDDING'S TODAY!" I said and got up.

"Wait...oh yeah, huh?"

"Hurry! Get dressed! This is my sister's important day!"

~Time Skip~~Atsushi's Pov:~
Me and Kyouka sat in a chair.

The wedding was at the beach. The arch was facing where the water was.

"Woah... This is a nice wedding." I said while looking around. There were people everywhere.

Kyouka nodded while also looking around. She sighed, "If only I could be the flower girl."

"Don't worry, Kyouka." I told her, "F/n and Kunikida's wedding will have you as the flower girl. So will Y/n and Dazai's."

She nodded.

Kenji sat beside us, "I'm so excited for the food!"

We nodded as well.

"I heard the wedding cake will be huge." Kyouka said.

"Okay, here's the deal." I said, "Whenever we're in line for cake, we let each other cut in front of us so we all can get it near the same time, deal?"

They nodded.

~Y/n's Pov:~
It's finally starting!

I blinked twice in surprise whenever I saw S/n in her wedding dress.

Oh my God. She looks great.

I watched her walk down the aisle with my surprised face

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I watched her walk down the aisle with my surprised face. I see my dad walking her down the aisle.

She walked over to the arch where Thomas was.

I tried to hold in my proud tears.

No... Don't cry at a wedding... She's just your little sister.. getting married..

~Time Skip~
"I now pronounce you husband and bride." The man said.

S/n and Thomas kissed.

Everyone started clapping. I see B/n whistle.

~Time Skip~
"Congratulations, S/n!" I said.

"Thank you, Y/n." She smiled.

"Also, I like your dress." I said.

"Oh, thanks!" She smiled, "Yours looks great too!"

"No, mine's okay." I said. "F/n let me borrow this one."

"Hey, S/n!" F/n waved to us. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you." She said.

I look to my left and see B/n, Ranpo, and Poe talking to Thomas.

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