5 - Finding a Birthday Gift

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Me: Innie, I need help.

Maknae💖: What is it hyung?

Me: Wtf do I get Felix for his birthday? I barely know him...

Maknae💖: Um, I'm honestly not sure

Maknae💖: I have been noticing you, um, "avoiding" him ig??

Maknae💖: Is everything okay with you guys? Is it another Jisung-hyung situation?

Me: No no, it's not. I...honestly don't know what it is. 

Maknae💖: Do you wanna talk about it? I promise I won't tell the other hyungs!

Me: Um, not rn. I'm not even sure what I would say. 

Maknae💖: That's okay, hyung! If you ever change your mind, you can always come to me. ❤️

Me: Thanks Innie. I appreciate it. 

Maknae💖: No problem, hyung! Now back to your first problem, um, I do remember Felix hyung saying that he really likes rings and loves collecting them. Maybe you can get him one!

Me: That's not a bad idea. But what's his size?

Maknae💖: Good question. Give me a sec!

Me: Wait, are you asking Felix his ring size???

Maknae💖: Haha, no. I asked Chan hyung. He's a size 5. 

Me: Alright cool. Thanks sm Innie!

Maknae💖: I'm always here for you, hyung!

::     ::     ::

The next day after practice, instead of going home to rest and work on homework, Hyunjin walked to the downtown area where a variety of interesting stores were located. 

He entered several stores that were known to sell rings, but unfortunately, he could not find any that were the right size or cheap enough to not break his wallet. After leaving the third store, beginning to get a little tired, he decided to look at an antique store that he knew would have some old rings. 

He walked through the door and bowed to the store owner, proceeding to go to the area where the rings usually were. 

Upon approaching the box, Hyunjin noticed that it was only about half full. This worried Hyunjin a bit, making him feel discouraged and a sense of lost hope of finding something good for Felix's birthday present. 

"Are you looking for something in particular?"

Hyunjin jumped at the sudden voice, but then held his hand on his chest and let out a heavy sigh when he realized that it was just the store owner. 

The store owner was an older retired man, running this store as a hobby and a way to earn some extra money. Hyunjin had visited this store many times, and always enjoyed finding the new antiques that were displayed. 

Hyunjin let out a short chuckle, saying, "Aha, um, yeah, kinda. I'm uh, looking for a birthday gift for a new, friend?"

The older man tilted his head to side, asking, "Are you not close with this person?"

Hyunjin's shoulders visibly dropped as he shook his head, explaining, "He moved here from where one of my friends used to live, so he was kinda automatically brought into our friend group."

"Do you not get along with this boy, is that it?" 

"It's not that I don't get along with him, I just..." Hyunjin paused and looked at the older man. Although he wasn't very close to the store owner, something about the older man made Hyunjin feel very comfortable around him, and so he continued, "He makes me feel a way that I had never felt before. Any time he's around or talks to me or looks at me, I get that feeling and I just, get overwhelmed, I guess."

There was a pause after Hyunjin finished, insinuating that the older man was processing the information. Then, without a word, the older man leaned over and pulled a ring out of the box. He then handed it to Hyunjin. 

It was a simple silver ring but carved into it in pretty cursive lettering was the word: Davantage. 

Hyunjin then looked at the tag that was tied to the ring and found that it was Felix's size!

"Wow, this...is his ring size. That's cool that you picked this one. But, what does "davantage" mean?" Hyunjin asked, still impressed by the fact that the man chose a ring that was the right size without even knowing what size Hyunjin was looking for. 

"It means "more" in French. Do you think that your friend would like this ring?" 

Hyunjin looked at the ring again. It was too good to pass up, considering he had been struggling to find a ring for the past hour or more. 

Hyunjin looked back at the older man and nodded. The older man smiled and led Hyunjin back to the front of the store, where Hyunjin paid for the ring. 

Before leaving, Hyunjin thanked the older man for helping him, and in response, the older man said, "It was my pleasure, kiddo. Let me know if your friend enjoyed his gift the next time you visit."

Hyunjin smiled, saying, "Will do."

And with that, after what felt like forever, Hyunjin went home with a birthday present for Felix. 

::     ::     ::

A/N: I know I said that new parts are uploaded every Saturday CST, but y'all have probably noticed that it tends to be a day later, and I apologize for that. I am a college student and have a lot on my plate, so studies always come first. Just know that new parts will always be uploaded every weekend. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Thank you for being patient. :))

(Also, keep in mind that I made up Felix's ring size for the story. His real ring size is not public information.)

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