6 - Birthday Party 1/2

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It's been over a week since their initial dance practice. It was now after school on a Friday, which also happened to be Jisung's birthday. Usually, the boys would have a shorter practice on Fridays, but this day, practice was cancelled so that the boys could prepare for Jisung and Felix's birthday party. 

Hyunjin went home after school to prepare. The first thing he did was wrap the ring box that held Felix's ring and signed a cute "Happy Birthday!" card he found at the dollar store that had a little duck on it. 

He then proceeded to take a shower and wash up. At this point, there was still a couple hours left until they were to meet at the bowling alley. However, Hyunjin had to be ready by the time Chan was to come and pick him up. 

Deciding to go ahead and finish getting ready, Hyunjin slipped on a pair of boxers and then stared at his closet. 

He had an overwhelming sense of needing to look good, and it threw him off guard. He wasn't sure why he cared so much about looking good to go bowling. 

Shrugging off the feeling, Hyunjin ultimately landed on a pair of light blue jeans, a white t-shirt underneath a brown sweater, and white adidas tennis shoes. He combed through his long blonde hair but decided to leave it a little messy. 

Feeling that he was ready, he sat on his bed while looking at his phone to pass the time while he waited for Chan. 

This was a mistake, however. Hyunjin was still struggling with sleeping at night, so he was frequently sleep-deprived. The tiredness overtook him, and he fell asleep. 

The next thing he knew, he was being woken up by his phone buzzing by his head. He blinked, trying to figure out what was happening. 

He quickly sat up and grabbed his phone, realizing that he had accidentally fallen asleep. When he looked at the phone screen, he saw that Chan was trying to call him. 

"Hey hey, I'm coming out the door right now," Hyunjin answered anxiously. 

"Haha, did you fall asleep?" Chan chuckled. 

"Yeah, I...I did," Hyunjin said quietly, checking himself in the mirror and fixing his hair. He then opened the door to his room to leave but spun around and went back as he almost forgot to grab Felix and Jisung's gifts.

With the gifts in hand and hanging up on Chan, he jogged out of the house and up to Chan's car. He hopped in the back, somewhat shocked to find Jeongin in the middle with Seungmin on the other side. 

"Didn't wanna ride with Minho hyung?" Hyunjin asked Seungmin, closing the door and buckling himself into his seat. 

Seungmin shook his head vigorously, and that's when Hyunjin realized that Felix was sitting in the passenger seat, hearing the younger laugh at Seungmin. 

That confusing feeling came back, and Hyunjin buried his face into Jeongin's shoulder to try and ignore it. 

Jeongin smiled and petted Hyunjin's hair, thinking that the older was just tired. 

"Well, let's get going so that we don't make Jisung mad by being late," Chan said. 

::     ::     ::

"Alright! Felix and I will choose teams and then we can start bowling!" Jisung announced, pulling Felix away from the group. 

The boys had put on their bowling shoes and set their stuff at their assigned alleys. Now, the six boys were looking at the birthday boys, waiting for them to choose their team members. 

"Do you wanna go first?" Jisung asked Felix. 

"Sure!" he responded, turning back to the rest of the boys. He paused, scanning over the group before picking Chan. 

Jisung then chose Minho. 

Felix chose Changbin. 

Jisung chose Jeongin. 

It was now down to Hyunjin and Seungmin. Felix paused a little longer on this last decision. He had a feeling that Seungmin would be good at bowling, but he also wanted to be near Hyunjin. He was hoping that this birthday party would be an opportunity for him to get to know Hyunjin, as they still hadn't talked much. 

"Hyunjin hyung," Felix said. Hyunjin was slightly surprised, and his heart seemed to beat aggressively at the fact that Felix had chosen him. 

"Alright! I'm so excited! Let's get started," Jisung blurted, eagerly setting up his team's alley. Felix did the same, the boys picked their bowling balls, and began their game. 

They learned that despite Changbin's buff physique, he wasn't good at bowling. Although Jisung jokingly made fun of Changbin for it, Felix found it rather amusing and supported him regardless. 

Felix took note that Hyunjin was a decent bowler with a good form, and it made his heart flutter. After Hyunjin sat back down when he was done with his turn, Felix scooted closer to him, trying to start a conversation by saying, "You're pretty good at this."

Hyunjin was amused, thanking the younger. 

Felix took a moment to think of something else to say, deciding on, "You're also really good at dancing."

Hyunjin turned to the younger and smiled, thanking him again before adding, "You're pretty good at dancing too."

Felix chuckled and turned to the floor, saying, "I kinda think you guys are just saying that."

"I'm serious, you're good! You can easily get a solo in this semester's dance."

Felix's heart felt like it was doing flips inside his chest. Hwang Hyunjin, the best dancer around thinks that he, Lee Felix, was a good dancer!

"You're actually a really nice guy," Felix commented. 

Hyunjin chuckled, asking, "You thought I wasn't?"

Felix shook his head, answering, "No, you just, don't talk much so I didn't know."

Hyunjin's eyes turned to the floor, and his smile lowered slightly. 

"I'm not always this quiet. It's only been lately, probably because I haven't been sleeping well," Hyunjin admitted. 

"That really sucks. Is it the homework?"

"Ya know," Hyunjin paused and turned back to Felix, "I don't really know what it is."

"Felix, your turn!" Chan blurted, patting the younger on the shoulder. 

Felix gave Hyunjin one last look before getting up to bowl, leaving Hyunjin with a more aggressive version of that confusing feeling he hated so much. 

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