25 - Officially

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This was it. The day that Minho, Jisung, and Jeongin helped Hyunjin prepare for: the day that Hyunjin would officially ask Felix to be his. 

Hyunjin had mentioned to Felix to dress nice for this date, and of course, Hyunjin's friends wanted to help the lover boy pick out the perfect outfit. 

Since it was the beginning of winter, they landed on the following: a white button up with the collar unbuttoned, black dress pants, black and white high top Converse, and his black trench coat. For accessories, Hyunjin wore a couple silver rings along with a silver necklace that was visible on his exposed sternum. 

When his mother saw him in his date apparel, she couldn't help but shed a few tears. She hugged her son tightly, wishing him luck on his date. She also complimented Minho on the dye job he did to Hyunjin's hair. 

With flowers in hand, all the boys finally left the Hwang residence. Minho would drop Hyunjin off at Felix's house before taking the other two boys home. 

When they arrived at Felix's home, Jisung quickly turned to face Hyunjin, saying, "You've got this, Hyunjin!"

"Thank you. I don't think I could've done this without you guys," Hyunjin answered honestly, beyond grateful for having such supportive friends. 

"We love you, Jinnie. Now leave before Felix sees us!" Jeongin said, practically pushing his hyung out of the car. 

And then there Hyunjin was, standing at the end of the sidewalk outside of Felix's home while his friends drove away. He ran his free hand through his hair and took a deep breath. Finally, he strode his way up to the door and rang the doorbell. 

When the door opened, Hyunjin was met by his favorite sight: Lee Felix with a bright smile on his face. The younger boy was wearing a similar outfit, although he wore a yellow sweater over his button up. It complimented his hair nicely, and Hyunjin's heart felt warm. 

Meanwhile, Felix's heart was racing from seeing black-haired Hyunjin dressed so nicely just for him! His smile quickly turned into a surprised "o" when he spotted the flowers in the older's right hand. 

Hyunjin took a step forward and extended the flowers toward Felix, saying, "These are for you, Lixie." 

Felix, whose emotions were overwhelmingly ecstatic from the scene unfolding before him, gently took the flowers from his crush and smelled them. It brought that beautiful smile back his face, and he thanked Hyunjin, quickly going inside the house to put them in a vase. 

The boys then started toward their first destination. When they entered a business district, they grabbed a taxi to take them to 7th Door, the restaurant that Hyunjin had chosen for them. 

It was a fancier restaurant, and therefore, a little pricey, but Hyunjin reassured Felix that he could get whatever he desired and that the older would gladly pay for it. 

During their dinner, Hyunjin would purposefully be cute with Felix, like holding his hand across the table and leaning forward to wipe the side of the younger's mouth. He wanted to make sure that Felix was happy and taken care of, while also low-key wanting to fluster him. 

Hyunjin was feeling like a whole new person. He used to be so afraid of being affectionate with Felix in public, but now he did it with no fear of the judgement of others. It felt good being able to do what he wanted, and it was truly becoming the happiest day of his life. 

Felix was also in very high spirits. Hyunjin's constant affection made the younger's heart feel as if it could burst with joy. There was a new look in the older's eyes that Felix had noticed, also. They seemed to sparkle every time they landed on the younger, and it made Felix want to kick his feet and giggle. There was definitely a new vibe between them, and it excited Felix. 

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