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An pov

It had been a month since both y/n and kook got "married". Y/n acts... cold but she was sometimes caring, on the other hand Jungkook has been acting Like a total different person, he acted bratty most of the time (ofc-) but he also would make breakfast before he went to work and since Y/N used to come after kook from work, So he would make the diner, on the days Y/N would on mission he would call out of work and would Stay at home and take care of Y/N's wounds. It his way of showing affection to her.

Y/N got used to it, though the caring side surprising at first but that didn't make any difference in his bratty behavior which sometimes got on Y/N's nerves, and that's when to he would give her a wicked grin and speal "and what if I don't it's not like you can do anything" and then walk out of the place leaving y/n furious and frustrated it really had her bugged up. Of course she loved his care but she was done with his bratty act and  always getting away with it. Okay now changing the subject a little she had started growing feelings for him and hoped that he felt the same way (as if she didn't have feelings for him earlier). Although she did mot like his bratty side yet the absolutly adored the caring side of him but his of brattyness was definitely not dying anytime soon so, Y/N decided to take the matter in her own hands.

Y/N was on her phone in her office she had just texcled junglook to report to her office, she decided that she would talk to Jungkook bout his behavior as it was now really bugging her and she was sure he wouldn't stop. She wad glad that he had replied with an "okay", soon though y/n lost her patience. You guessed, he did not come. How long did she wait? well, 30 minites and now she definitely was not going easy. He knew very well to never test her patience and guess what he did exactly what the opposite should be done. The slammed her hand on the desk and got up, feeling lazy as she was, she had to drag herself to the other end of the the huge ass mansion. She grabbed her phone and fixed her hair walking outside she locked her home office and then dragged her ass to Jungkook's room. She was beyond furious when she didn't get a response after she knocked on the door not onec not twice but thrice. Now she held onto the knob of the door and twisted it onep entering the room which was cirtenly oped and why did she open it without kook's consent? Cause she da boss in here you lil shit-

Sam: ayoo yall sorry for small ass chapters buuuuuttttttt get yo horny asses ready cause da next chapter gon be spicy af

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