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An pov
"Jen faster, kook passed out" y/n panicked as she felt him pass out against her body "oh fuck, hold on" with that she sped up zooming through the city.

Y/n once again paced back and forth at the hospital hoping that the doctor comes with a good news rather than a bad one. Jennie was there looking at her with a worried expression plastered on her face seeing y/n like this. Jennie sighed and got up pulling y/n in a hug, "it's gonna be alright buddy trust me, he's fine hmm?" she rubbed her back as a few tears slipped her eyes and wet jennie's skin.

Jennie knew that in any overwhelming case like this one y/n always thought the worse that could happen (love to make the leads like I am🗿). "It's gonna be fine buddy it's all gonna be okay don't cry it's okay". Jennie was the only person where she let her tears out, which was in like a really rare case. Y/n took a deep breath and pulled away and looked at her with a tearful eye. Jennie smiled and patted her shoulder spoke "everything's gonna be fine" y/n nodded.

After a few minutes the doctor was back. Jennie went to the doctor along with y/n when y/n spoke "doctor, how's jungkook?" the doctor smiled and spoke "it's all good, thankfully he hasn't gotten hurt too much just small wounds you can meet him now but call me once he's up" y/n nodded rushing in.

Jennie did all the formalities after and y/n sat next to his bed and held his small hand into her larger one and rubbing the back of his palm calmly, kissing the back of it. "I'm sorry you had to go through that my love", her voice just a little louder than a whisper, a shaky voice. Soon his eyes fluttered open as he squinted his eyes settling to the light in the room.

Y/n's eyes landed on kook as she smiled but soon she frowned seeing how she started panicking. "my love it's okay we can leave, don't panic everything is fine" she knew his little side was not in a good state after what had happened so she lifted him up and rushed out to her car.

"it's okay baby don't panic I'm here, everything's fine, everything" she spoke words of comfort as she drove the car and held kook's hand. She drove through the city to her mansion. On the way informing that she'll send the car for jennie.

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