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An pov

Y/n got a call. Not a call from her parents, her friends, her assistant but from taehyung. Y/n's face morphed into a worried frown. "hello?" she spoke when she picked up the call "hey y/n i called to let you know that I dropped kook off at your place safely" there was a pause "thank you for doing that but you didn't have to do it you know id come to pick him up if you called" y/n protested. "No it's fine I was heading to my home anyways" y/n sighed "well if you say so"

After a short silence Tae let out a very audible sigh "what's the matter Tae?" she spoke "well you see. Earlier Today it seemed kook slipped further in his baby space, he wouldn't talk much but he would fuss around and he picked up a fight with another little because they didn't want to shear the toys." y/n's face turned into a serious on "the other little didn't get hurt right?" her voice filled with
Concern for the little. "wellll, kook hit that little and not only that but also kook was fussing around a lot and he also refused to take his nap he became all whiny even after we gave him Warnings for time out, nothing worked so I just thought to call you and let you know" y/n sighed "thanks for letting me know about it Tae, I shall talk to him about it I'm almost done with my work so I'll leave soon anyways." "alright then cya later y/n" "later buddy" and with that she cut that call.

She sighed a breath and went through the left over papers, when she was done she took her belongings and left for her house. She was honestly not too mad at kook the only fact that annoyed her was that he hit the other little for something as silly as this. On the way she decides on what his punishment would be knowing very well that when he's bratty he does not listen to anyone but y/n's strict side.

As soon as she opened the door she heard the patter of feet making their way to her. Not too soon after pair of limbs limped around her body, she held kook with a hand and walked in. "I missed you so much, mommy!" he spoke nuzzling into her neck. He was still little. Carrying him to their room she sat him down on the bed look at him with a strict face. Jungkook, immediately felt intimidated and sunk down into the bed feeling small. Y/n folded her arms over her chest and that's when kook knew he was in trouble. His eyes immediately averted to his lap while he figited with his fingers. "so kook, mind telling the other stunt that you decide to pull up at day care today?" her voice firm. "n-nothing mommy I did n-nothing" she knew he was lying. He always stutters when he lies "if I were you I'd stop lying, little man" her voice was now angry "b-but I d-di-" "time out now, keep that for next time" his eyes swelled up in tears "m-mommy--" "i dont wanna hear it kook, go face the wall till I take a shower and get our dinner ready" he knew he couldn't protest further so he did as she said. Waddling over to a specific wall he faced it and sat there with a sad pout on his face. She sighed as she walked over to the bathroom and took off her clothes and got into a warm bath. She knew that the maids must have prepared the dinner before leaving so she just sighed letting her head hang off the side of the bath tub for a while.

After a good 10 minutes she got out and dried herself and walked over to her closet picking out a comfy outfit.

She walked back into the room and heard very small sniffles, it almost made her want to give up but she none the less walked out the room earning a loud whine from kook

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She walked back into the room and heard very small sniffles, it almost made her want to give up but she none the less walked out the room earning a loud whine from kook. She walked downstairs and looked at the food that was naked and kpet nicely in the fridge. Y/n took them out and heated the up.

It took a good 20 minutes for everything to get ready, she knew jungkook would he frustrated by now but it was a part of his punishment. She walked into the room to be welcomed by expected sobbing "kook" she spoke he immediately stopped at a halt. "dinner is ready Come" he didn't say anything but wiped his tears and waddled over to y/n and followed her downstairs, he got more frustrated when she didn't carry or talk to him through out the whole dinner time.

Y/n, once both if them where done, took the dishes and put them in the sink and washed them up. She could hear jungkook whimpering and sobbing, it now melted her. She walked over to him. He immediately stopped thinking she was going to say something next and sunk into the chair further, but instead she hugged him. It didn't take long for his sobbing to ring all over the dining room again.

She carried him to the room and sat him down on her lap patting his head and circling her hand on his cheek wiping away his tears. She softly kisses the crown of his head and spoke "how about we get you all comfied up hmm?" she spoke to which he nodded. Y/n had already prepared the bath for him so after she was done undressing him she lowered him in the warm bath and bathe him. When she was done she dressed him up in his skirt.

She spooned him to her and spoke "you took your punishment so well babyboy I'm proud of you" jungkook, while his face was nuzzled into her chest spoke "thank you mommy" y/n chuckled and pet his head

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She spooned him to her and spoke "you took your punishment so well babyboy I'm proud of you" jungkook, while his face was nuzzled into her chest spoke "thank you mommy" y/n chuckled and pet his head. After a short interval of time she felt his big eyes peak out looking down at him she hummed "I'm sorry" his eyes filled with tears as he spoke. "no baby it's okay I forgive you but make sure you don't do that again okay?" he nodded against her.

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