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An pov

Time skip (few weeks later)

"Miss Kim is everything on its place?" y/n questioned on call "Yes Miss Y/n every thing is set up we are just wating for them and you to be here" "alright great i'll be there in no time" "alright miss". Just as y/n was about to leave she stopped when she heard a patter of feet coming downstairs. She smiled to herself and turned to the stairs and down came Jungkook with eyes half open and hair messed up with a plushie in his hand and paci in his mouth. He kept aside the plushi and waddaled up to y/n. She cooed lifting him up, you guessed it, he immideatly snuggled into her body. "Where are you going?" he questioned in a babyi-sh tone. She pet his head speaking "I have a meeting soon, love so i need to get to my office" to this reply he whined loudly causing his paci to fall off his mouth. "Now now little man i don't want any whines, i'll be back as soon as possible and till then i want you to be a good little boy for me okay" she kissed his cheek as he pouted "cant you stay a little longer" he whined again. Y/n being y/n that is her being not at all tolerant when it comes to work hit his thigh lightly, making sure it wont hurt him too much and spoke "what did i say?" she set him on his feet as he clasped his hand together looking down with a pout "to not whine" "exactly now i want you to be good and not trouble anyone here alright?" he nodded in return "good boy, now i'll leave okay?" she spoke "c-can i have a kiss before you leave, babe?" y/n awed and put her fingers below his chin and planted a small kiss and on his cheek before leaving.

"Good morning Mrs. Lee" "Good Moring, Miss Y/n" she shook hands the other female CEO "please take a seat" Mrs. Lee nodded and sat on the chair of the meeting room as y/n sat in front of her draping one of her leg over her other "I do have to say though Miss Y/n, you and Mr. Jeon are all over the media, it's been crazy to know what has been going on between you two. Y/n laughed a little and spoke "Well let them but for now shall we start?" Lee nodded as the meeting started.

After a few minutes

It was about 56 minute into the meeting when y/n's phone rang. She gave an apologetic look to Lee before speaking "i'm extremely sorry but i'll have to attend this call" "It's alright Miss Y/n we shall wait for you" y/n nodded and answered the call. It was one of the maids. "Miss Y/n please hurry Mr. Jeon has been kidnapped by Kang and his men" "WHAT?" the meeting room went silent "How did this happen? Weren't our men enough to guard him?" "unfortunately they managed beat out men, we did everything in our power save him miss but we failed and the worst part was that he was still in his little space" now y/n panicked and cut the call. She looked at Jennie and spoke "Miss Kim i have some work kindly take over the meeting" by the tone in which y/n spoke she knew that it wouldn't be okay to hold her back "Alright Miss Y/n I shall take over". Y/n looked at Lee with an apologetic eye and walked off.

As she walked off there she called one of her trackers "Amber!" 'Yes Miss Y/n?" "Track Jungkook and Kang where the hell are they?" and so amber got on to track them. Thankfully y/n had access to jungkook's phone for emergencies like this so it was easy to hack into his phone and get the known location. "Alright Miss y/n they are oddly in an old house according to this" "alright thank you' y/n took the loction and god knows how fast y/n drove to the odd location. When she did it was just an empty small house with no one in there. After looking around for a bit she managed to find Jungkook's phone. Then it hit her. Being a clever man Kang was he had just left jungkook's phone in that old shaggy place. Just then she got a call. She answered that and heard a low chuckle "how's it going Queen?" the voice spoke "Kang i swear once i find you i'll skin you alive" "try me" "You little dimpshit, where is Jungkook?" "aww look someone angry" a chuckle left his throat "today me and you at xzy, in two hours" and with that the call was cut y/n let out an angry scream "KANG I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU"

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