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Project S: HAAAAAAAGH!!!

Project S began to charge up his energy power, and it began to grow, Gohan and the others felt his power of how strong it is and it feels, and to top it off, this is the exact power they have felt a little while ago when taking her father to Kame's House...

Trunks: This's intense!

Krillin: It's almost exactly as the one we felt a while ago!

Gohan: So...this is the power from his! *But...who is he?! He's not an android, cause if he is, we couldn't feel his power only way to find out is-*

Yamcha: Okay! Im tired of standing here! Let's just go get the bastard!

Gohan: Yamcha don't!!

Krillin: Yamcha!!

Yamcha: HAAAAGH!!!

Yamcha flies over to (YN) and then he tries to land a kick to Project S, but misses and (YN) dodged it to the side with such ease, Project S then swings a brutal back punch towards Yamcha, and to land it to his neck, braking it and sending him flying crashing through a truck...

Krillin: Damn it Yamcha you're not the protagonist!

Trunks: We'll help Yamcha later, right now let's get the bastard!

Krillin/Gohan: Yeah!

Trunks, Krillin and Gohan then flies after Project S as he then starts charges at them, Krillin swings a punch towards his face, but Project S tanked that punch as he clothesline Krillin to the ground, bounces up and for Project S to quickly turn around and to strike a brutal upper punch to his back, and axe hand front, slamming him to the ground, Trunks comes from behind and to swing his sword at him, but Project S already knew he was coming from behind, so he moves aside and dodges Trunks's sword, Trunks then began swinging his sword a lot of times and for Project S to just dodged it with an ease, Project S swings a punch and for Trunks to surprisingly dodge it, but made a fatal mistake as he realizes Project S was charging up a energy from his other hand, and to then to blast it to Trunks, sending him flying away, crashing through a building and for Project S then to dash towards him and land a vicious kick to his gut as Trunks spat blood out, Project S then grabs Trunk's neck, and to fly up and drag Trunks through the building as he reaches to the end, and to the fly down and to slam Trunks through the inside building again...inside the building, Project S was still holding trunks by his neck...until Gohan then blasts her energy attack at him behind, and for Project S to turn his attention to her...

Gohan: You let him go you utter bastard!

Project S let's Trunks go, and to turn around and to dahs to Gohan, Gohan quickly flies away and to turn around and yet to luckily dodge Project S punch, Gohan began throwing punches and Project S dodging them, as he too throws some punches to Gohan and she manages to dodge them as well, but Project S manage to land one punch to her gut, and Gohan to quickly strike a elbow hit to his chin and then to punch him down and Project S being sent falling, but quickly recovers and avoids crashing to the ground, then he notices Gohan placing both hands onto her forehead and charged up a yellow energy sphere...

Gohan: MASENKO!!!

Gohan blasts his Masenko attack towards Project S, and for him to smile at it, he cupped his hands together and yet to charge up an attack too, and Gohan seeing him do that notice that attack is familiar to her...

Gohan: That...That's my dad's move!!?

Project S: HAAAAA!!!!

Project S then thrusts his both hands forward, and to then blast a kamehameha and for it to then destroy Gohan's Masenko and to go after Gohan as she then moves out of the way...but doesn't pay attention as she turns and to see Project S dashing to her in the air, and for him to then land a brutal knee strike to her gut, and then to grab her hair, and to throw punches to her face, and toss her to the ground afterwards...then, she gets up as Trunks and Krillin reunite with her and the three beat up and wounded as Project S to slowly land on the ground and approaching them...

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now