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As we then left off, days have passed now and yet there's one more day for the Cell Games....One day noon, (YN) and Gohan were at Kame house as they were outside looking at the Ocean View, for the past days they've been some time together here in Kame House, and enjoyed it every bit of it...

Gohan: Man, waves looks nice today.

(YN): Yeah, they sure do.

(YN) looks at Gohan, and to see her smiling...and to remember what she said that one night about her seeing the beautiful one last time before fighting Cell at the Cell Games...

(YN): Gohan?

Gohan: Yea?

(YN): Remember that one night, what you said about seeing the stars will be the last time before fighting Cell.

Gohan: Yeah...why?

(YN): Well....I don't know if I will be strong enough to beat Cell, but...if there's one thing that'll be the last time for me to see and spent'll be you, Gohan.

Gohan silently gasps, and to blush...

Gohan: (YN)...I...

(YN) approaches closer to Gohan..

(YN): I know it's been days since we've barely known each other,'re a really sweet, and...beautiful. So...yeah, I'm happy I met such a good person, and friend like you.

Gohan blushes more....and to hold her hands, and to smile soflty, and to look at him and reply....

Gohan: Thats...really adorable to you to say (YN), and...I'm glad to hear that, and also... I'm happy I met you too.

The two smile at each other....and then, the two looked at each other...and to get closer, and the two began to reach each other's lips, and to land a kiss.....until.

Krillin: Hey Gohan-Woah!

Gohan: EEK! Krillin!

(YN): You startled us!

Yamcha: Woah no way, were you two about to-

(YN)/Gohan: Shup up Yamcha!

Yamcha: But I-

(YN) and Gohan clenched their hands...

Yamcha: Okay I'll keep quiet.

Krillin: ...Uhhhh, anyways, Gohan, your dads here.

Gohan: W-Wait what??

(YN): Goku??

The two looked at each other, and blush a bit knowing that they get a bit awkward of what we're they gonna they jog in the house and to find Goku in there, who transported from his home to kame house and to pick them both up and krillin and taking them to the lookout with Trunks and Piccolo waiting...
Minutes later, they arrived at the lookout...

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now