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As we left off, Vegeta wants to pick a fight with (YN) for a decent challenge for himself, and he got one by forcing him. So he and (YN) flew over to a deserted island as the two of them stand onto one tall boulder each, Vegeta crossing his arms smirking and (YN) glaring and pissed at him, clenching his hands...

Vegeta: Awww are you gonna cry?? Well save the tears for later right after I give you the lifetime of a beating, so for now, call me Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, cause I'm about to lay the smackdown on your candy ass!

(YN): ....

Vegeta: What? Don't got no comeback? Haha, that's excuse you can't! Now...shall we? HAAAAAAAAGH!!!!

Vegeta powers up and to then turn into super Saiyan, but also to turn into his form he's fought with Cell...

Vegeta: Like the look? I call this "Super Vegeta"! Cause I'm super, and awesome!

(YN): ...

Vegeta: Now, how about you get yourself ready and just turn to whatever super sayian form you got in ya, no matter no strong it is, I'll still whoop your candy ass!

(YN) then takes one deep breathe...and let it out, as he slowly rolls his shoulders front...he closes his eyes, and to the power himself up...

Vegeta: Oh come on already! Just turn into your pathetic super Saiyan and-


(YN) gives himself a massive power boost, as an unknown explosion occurred around him when he powered up....afterwards, (YN) then turned into his SSJ2 Grade 3 level, his grew his muscles, eyes completely blank, and hair spiked up and jolts appearing around him...

Vegeta: Wh-Whaa?! What the hell is that form?! ...It...It!?! Why?! Why is it so god Damn cool?!? Why is it better than MINES!?! Tell me, how many push-ups and sit ups you do?!? WHAT KIND OF JUICE YOU DRINK!?!

(YN): Heh! Guess you like my form! It's like Gohan's, mixed with yours and trunks, only more capable and stronger.

Vegeta: N-Nrrrgh! Yeah whatever! Besides, I'm still gonna kick your ass! And I won't go easy on ya!

(YN): Oh please, do your worse Vegeta, because right me Brock Lesnar...because the beast...HAS BEEN UNLEASHED!!!

(YN) dashes to Vegeta, and Vegeta to rush at him too, Vegeta lands a punch to his face, but (YN) tanks it and grins at him as he then swings a clothesline to Vegeta, afterwards grabbing his leg, and to then dash to the ground and slamming him, Vegeta then kicks (YN), letting him go as he shoots a energy blast at (YN), (YN) deflected the blast away as Vegeta rushes at him and began throwing vicious punches at him...some of them landed on (YN), but didn't do much at all as (YN) blocks and holds both Vegeta's hands, and to slowly squeeze them and Vegeta screaming in pain, (YN) pulls him forward and to land a brutal Headbutt to Vegeta and then a knee hit to his chin, he lets go of his hands as (YN) leaps and to then give Vegeta a brutal drop kick towards his chest, sending him flying crashing to a boulder and (YN) dashing to him and to land a vicious kick to his gut and Vegeta to spat blood out, (YN) then started throwing rapid punches to Vegeta through the boulder, with a last punch, Vegeta was sent flying through the boulder to the air and (YN) to appear behind and swing a axe hand behind Vegeta as he then was sent falling and crashes to the floor....

Vegeta: NNo...No fucking a brat, outbesting me!?

Vegeta looks up and to see (YN) dashing to him and moves out of the way, he rushes to him and to swing a brutal gut punch to (YN)...which stunned him surprisingly...

Vegeta: HA! Not so tough now aren't ya-

(YN) then swings back a brutal gut punch to Vegeta as his punch was stronger than Vegetas....

(YN): Careful Vegeta, your Cell is showing.

Vegeta: A-AAGH!! NRRRGH!!!

Vegeta blasts a beam to (YN)'s face, and to then fly back and to then faces his palm towards (YN)...

Vegeta: Big Bang Attack!!

He shouts his Big Bang Attack energy sphere at (YN), and as it did hit him, it didn't exploded when it hit him...the energy sphere then appears to be moving and then...Vegeta stammers to see (YN) actually holding his Big Bang Attack with one hand, and to shoot it back at Vegeta, Vegeta blasts a beam towards it and to explode....once the smoke clears the way, he then sees (YN) charging up for a Galick Gun...Vegeta too charges a Galick Gun, and so both of them shot their blasts at the same time and their beams clash and collide, but (YN)'s was far stronger than Vegeta's as it was then out numbering Vegetas Galick Gun...then, the beams fade away as (YN) rushes to Vegeta and Vegeta again shooting his Galick Gun at him, surprisingly it hit him, Vegeta grins about it, but then realizes (YN) merging out from the Galick Gun blast close to him as he grabs his whole face and slamming him to the floor, and to then pick him up, toss him up and (YN) to bicycle kick him to his chin, sending him flying up and goes after him, and again to flip back and bicycle kicks him from his spine, landing it brutally hard and sending him falling all the way to the ground and crashes....
Afterwards, (YN) lands on the floor, arms crossed...

(YN): Ya done??

Vegeta began struggling to get up and yet his back was awfully in pain from that bicycle kick (YN) gave him...he can barely get up...and to wipe off the blood from his nose, and kept running down....

Vegeta: I...I can't...give up now...! I're...sorry ass-

(YN): *sighs* Vegeta, just admit it, you can't take me on.

Vegeta: Sh-Shut up!! I'm not backing down yet! I-I still got some in me, and-

(YN): Okay enough of this shit!

(YN) reverbs back into his base form...

(YN): Vegeta, ima be real with you here, fighting you now, all this...was just a waste of my time!

Vegeta: Wh-Wah

(YN): Seriously I could have been home by now, ate dinner, and spent more time with Gohan, but NOOO, thanks to you I had to spend almost all my day, fighting you...out of pity! So basically, you want to fight me, just for you to be shame the fact you can't even admit your still nothing but an ego jackass!

And so...Vegeta heard that word "Pity" again, just like Gohan said...she and (YN) really didn't wanted to fight Vegeta for a challenge...he's just wanted someone to fight him just to shame himself...Vegeta No felt like such an ass...all he can do, is to slowly reverb back to his base form...and to then feel tired...and to slowly fall backwards...(YN) quickly catches him...

(YN): ...Hope you understand what I'm telling you here.

Vegeta: ....

(YN): ...Im taking your ass back home and have Bulma patch you up.

(YN) flies off and heads to Capsule Corp to leave Vegeta....Vegeta then began to think about himself....he tried everything to become better and stronger...and still can't...

Vegeta Mind: ...Im no warrior....and I will not fight never again.


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