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As we left off, a surprise return from trunks came back to meet (YN) again, but not only that, he came to warn him about a threat that has appeared here on earth, Babidi and Dabura, so (YN) flies over to the west side of the deserted island to go looking for them, minutes pass, he arrives at the deserted island at the west, flying still, and then, he spots something, he slowly lands nd hides behind a boulder, and to then find Dabura and Babidi, and also to appears to have this huge shape coconut egg...and not just that, he also notice two more people with them, who happen to be somewhat twins, one is big and the other small, Spopovich and Yamu...

(YN): What the hell is that??! And who the hell are those two?? Trunks didn't told me nothing about them...

He then stood quiet and to hear chatting from them...

Babidi: Everything is going good, but I still need to consume more energy for him to be brought out!

Dabura: You two, go out there and find more energy.

Spopovich: Yeah!

Yamu: Understood.

Babidi: Omce I have the right amount, Majin Buu will be finally awaken at last!

(YN): Majin Buu?

And so, Spopovich and Yamu fly off with this look alike magic lamp their holding...(YN) knew that this "Majin Buu" might be more of a threat than Babidi and he steps up...

(YN): Hey!!

The two turn around and notice him...

Babidi: What?? Who are you??

(YN): Thats less important for you to know, what matters is that I'm here to stop you!

Babidi: Oh really? Hmmm, you look strong, and this powe I'm sensing from you is quiet impressive, might be good enough for Buu to wake up!

(YN): Yeah, that won't happen, not that I'm here, so just don't bother fighting back.

Dabura: *chuckling* Question...did you happen to know there were two more here a minute ago?

(YN): Well yeah...why??

Babidi: Heh, and did you believe they actually left??

(YN): The hell are you-

Spopovich/Yamu: GOTCHA!!!

The two rush behind (YN), stabbing hhim with that lamp Spopovich was holding and yet that lamp happens to start draining (YN)'s power away from him...afterwards, Spopovich punches him and him and Yamu fly over to Babidi...

Babidi: Hahaha! You fool! Did you really think you were that noticeable?? We sense your energy once you've arrived! And now...

Spopovich hands over the lamp to Babidi, and to then give the energy to the huge coconut egg alike, as he does, the egg began to grow bigger and bigger, and then to explode...and as it did, a huge pink smoke appears on the air, and to float down...and the pink float merge together and to then to transform into one big creature, known as Majin Buu...

and the pink float merge together and to then to transform into one big creature, known as Majin Buu

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Majin Buu: BUU!!!!

Babidi: Yess!!!!! He's awake at last!!

Dabura: *Chuckling*

(YN): Shit...that's my B.

Buu: Hmm?? Who are you??

Babidi: I am Babidi, your master, you will do exactly as I say Buu, and if you do, I will take care of you nice and treat you!

Majin Buu: Will I get candy?? Buu likes candy!

Babidi: ...Y-Yeah, you will, but for now, hehe...

Babidi turns around and to grin at (YN)...

Babidi: Go and kill him!

Buu: Okay!

Majin Buu hops and lands and to then March his way to (YN)...

(YN): Woah! This creatures power in's...way high! ...just who is this??! And with jut of my energy he gets a power boost?!

Buu: Buu kills you, and when he does, Buu gets candy from Babidi! So bye bye!!

Buu swings his hand and landing a punch to (YN), and then he began throwing more rapid punches to (YN).... And landing a gut punch, afterwards, Buu places both hands towards his chest and to then blast a huge energy beam at him, and to cause a enormous explosion around him....

Dabura: Ahh, well now, that's some power.

Babidi: Yes! Atta boy Buu! Outstanding!

Buu: Mhm! So Buu gets candy now??

Babidi: Yes Yes, we'll head over to the city and look for some...and then while at it, we'll kill more of those pathetic people!

Dabura: Sounds good.

Babidi: Right, Spopovich, Yamu, come along!

Yamu/Spopovich: Yes!

They were walking their way to the city to cause havoc....until...

(YN): ...Man that's some power you got, but it's gotta take more than that you know.

They turn and to then see (YN) surprisingly still standing after the smoke clears the way...

Babidi: Whaaat?!? B-But how!?!

Buu: Huh?? I thought Buu killed you.

Dabura: Impossible! That could've have killed him!

(YN): Yeah, no. So look, can we make this quick ?? I got somewhere to be and got. So....HAAAAGH!!!!

(YN) gives himself a massive power boost, and to then grow his muscles and turn into his SSJ2 Grade 3 form and gives off a glare...

(YN): Let's make this quick.

Babidi: *stammering* Th-This power?! How did he get so stronger in just seconds!?! Just who is he!? Nerrrgh!!!

Dabura: Babidi...let me handle this.

Babidi: Yes of course! But you'll need some help! Yamu, Spopovich, Buu! Help Dabura and kill that bastard!

Buu: Awww, what about candy-


Buu: ...Hmph! Okay!

And so, Spopovich, Yamu, Dabura and Buu began to surround (YN), he then flies up and stands on top of a boulder and the four fly up and them surrounding him...

(YN): Look if you just surrendered now, you wouldn't be dealing with this now...cause you're all complete of waste once I'm done with you!


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