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Days have pass now, Vegeta no longer being such an ego person anymore and takes a break from fighting....and focus on being a he does in the meantime, one afternoon, (YN) was flying his way back home as he was talking with Gohan on the phone...

(YN): Farmer wasn't feeling good, so I o Pt did little work and finished.

Gohan: Aw, hopefully he recovers soon.

(YN): He will, just has a little cold that's all, should be good by next week.

Gohan: Good to hear...

Then on the phone, (YN) can hear mumbling from Gohan...

(YN): Gohan? Everything alright?

Gohan: Y-Yeah! Everything uhh (YN)...since there's nothing much for us to do today at a wanna...go out tonight??

(YN): Like a date?

Gohan: Y-Yeah!! Sure...if you wanna call it like that but that sounds better! Hehe...!

(YN): Heh, sure, that would sound nice and fun, spending time with you mostly all day makes my day better.

At home, Gohan blushes as she was sitting on her bed talking with (YN)...

Gohan: Aww, you make my day too when I spent time with you too.

(YN): Good to know, well alright then, it's a date. See you later then.

Gohan: Okay cool! you.

(YN): Wha??


Gohan quickly hangs up the phone...and to then grab her pillow, place it in her face and scream at it...and also, the person she was mumbling with during on the phone was her classmate and best friend, Videl....

Videl: ...Done?

Gohan: Mhm.

Videl: I mean what's wrong? You were doing good.

Gohan: I-I know! It's just that...I know we kissed and all...but saying "I love you" to him kinda rushes our relationship!

Videl: No it doesn't.

Gohan: It does Videl! *sighs* Now I sounded all weird when I said it...not gonna be able to even say it in person if I act all weird and embarrassed.

Videl then approaches to her, sits doesn with her and holds her hands...

Videl: Ok Gohan, don't worry, we got time to prepare for your date, so as you're best friend, I'll do my very best to make this perfect for you and (YN).

Gohan: Heh, thanks Videl.

Videl: No problem, okay here me out...

With Gohan getting some helping advice from her friend Videl on her date night with (YN)...
In the meantime, (YN) was on his way home and will take some time to get there...

(YN): Date night with Gohan Huh...sounds really fun, just gotta make sure I don't end up ruining it for her.

As he flies off...suddenly, a strange out of nowhere energy beam goes towards (YN) and to dodge it...

(YN): Oh for the life of Dende! Vegeta, if the first time didn't learn your lesson, then I should just kick your ass way more-

But as he looks down...he expected to know it was Vegeta...but no. It was someone's else, someone who he's familiar with back then, someone...who came back in time again, it was Future Trunks again, as he had his hands on his pockets and smiling at him...

(YN): Trunks!?

He flies down and lands and meets Trunks in person...

Trunks: Hey (YN), long time no see, man look at you, you've grow up!

(YN): Heh, well yeah, it has been a while. How you been??

Trunks: Good, everything is back to normal, moms good too and as for the androids and more.

(YN): Nice.

Trunks: What about you? How's everything here?'s my mom and dad

(YN): Same here, no trouble at all for now. And as for your parents...their still working it out.

Trunks: Thats good to hear...but, Unfortunately I'm going to cut the chase here.

(YN): Hm? What is it??

Trunks: ...(YN), you're the only one I can trust on to do this favor for me, it's for the sake of this world too. Since you are farther the strongest out of all of us, including my father.

(YN): Obviously.

Trunks: Yeah, and also I know Gohan won't want to fight...say, how is she?

(YN): She's doing good, me and her are gonna go out on a date tonight?

Trunks: Heh, knew the time would come between you too.

(YN): Wait you know??

Trunks: It's obvious, since she's always by your side since you two were kids, knew she always a thing with you.

(YN): Heh, she does.

Trunks: But sadly that dates gonna wait, or to say you might have time to make it.

(YN): So what is it you wanna tell me?

Trunks: ...A year ago, on my timeline, a threat had come, two beings that I don't know where they came from, their known to be called Babidi and Dabura.

(YN): Dabura and Babidi?

Trunks: Yeah, I've fought them, and pretty strong, Babidi is an alien evil wizard, and Dabura is the king of the demon realm, who is under control by Babidi, and yet was the ruler of hell who then after got spelled by Babid.

(YN): Woah, so like, did you manage to defeat them?

Trunks: I did luckily, knowing that I've unlocked the same the level beyond super Saiyan like you and Gohan.

(YN): Aw nice! But okay...about this Dabura and Babidi, do you know exactly where they can be at or when they'll arrive?

Trunks: ...They're here, now.

(YN): What, really??! Where?!

Trunks: Not specifically here, their now located at the west side of the desert island.

(YN): Oh okay.

Trunks: (YN)....please take them out for good, I know you can, if not I don't know what they will do or plan.

(YN): Don't worry Trunks, you can count on me.

Trunks: Hehe, I know you will. So anyways...I should get going.

Trunks and (YN) both shook hands...

Trunks: Go get them.

(YN): You bet. See ya soon.

Trunks: Same friend, and also...good luck on your date night afterwards.

(YN): Thanks buddy.

Trunks then walks to his time machine, flew up and to then vanish and teleport back to his for (YN), he notices the sun was slowly about to be dawn and has a date night, but before he does...he now has to take care of little business.

(YN): West side of the desert island...I should make my way already.

(YN) charges up and to fly off to the west side of the island, and to then look and find for Dabura and Babidi...


Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now