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Meanwhile, at Goku's home, we then see the androids, arriving and broke in Goku's house, to think he was there to kill him...but isn't...they looked everywhere in the house, and no sign of him...

A.17: Is Goku there sis?

A.18: No, place is empty.

A.17: Huh, didn't think Goku was a runner.

A.18: Well If I had to guess, he might be at Kame's house

A.17: But that's the second we'd look.

A.16: Correct, that is the second place we will look there.

A.17: Well shit, and it's through we're not gonna be able to go on the van...

A.18: Oh thank god-

A.17: Then we will get a boat!

A.18: Oh come on!

A.16: No!

A.17: Pardon me??

A.16: We've done it your way, now we do it my way, the bird way...we fly.

A.18: Heh, finally he's speaking my language...well sort of. Let's go.

Meanwhile at Kami's Lookout, we then see Goku, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta with Mr.Popo as Goku took them at the lookout and showed them about the hyperbolic time chamber...Mr.Popo leads them to it...

Mr.Popo: Here it is maggots, the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Goku: Wait I thought it was called the room of spirit and time.

Mr.Popo: I said that cause you keep on mispronouncing it.

Goku: No, I can do it, hyperbullet lime chamber.

Mr.Popo: No.

Goku: Hyperspeed climb chamber.

Mr.Popo: ...You get one more..

Goku: ...Hyper-climate strike chamber.

Mr.Popo: Mmm.

Mr.Popo then opens the door and shows them a peek inside the hyperbolic chamber...

Mr.Popo: Inside, time moves at 365.24 times that of this Goku terms, one year in there, one day out there, but only TWO of you maggots can go in at a time.

Gohan: W-Wait dad, how long have you know about this??

Goku: Since I was a kid.

Gohan: And you're telling this to us now?? How come we didn't use it to train against the androids!?! Especially with the Saiyans!??!

Mr.Popo: They had...other "training". Besides, I once put your father in there when he was a kid.

Goku: I almost died.

Mr.Popo: Hmm.

Vegeta: Well in that case the boy and I go in first and save you two the trouble, move it boy!

Trunks: Tch.

Goku: Good luck trunks.

Trunks: Thanks.

Goku: You too best buddy!

Vegeta: Piss off!

And so, Vegeta and Trunsk go in the Hyperbolic Time chamber first to train and gets stronger, while Goku and Gohan wait patiently for them to get out...and now, they wait.

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now