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The next was the now officially the Cell Games. Cell is in his arena, waiting for the Z-Fighters to show the lookout, Piccolo, Trunks, Krillin, Gohan, and (YN) waited, and for Goku to show up...

Goku: Hey guys! You ready for...the tournament..?

Goku notices them looking down, and not in the mood at all...

Goku: did someone died? Oh no is it Yamcha!?

Krillin: No ones dead.

Piccolo: Yet.

Goku: So what's with the glum faces? Come on! Today is fighting day!

Krillin: Goku, last time I fought Cell, he basically tambourine me.

Piccolo: And he's got to two transformations since we fought him, still trying to come to terms on that one.

Krillin: Long story short: we're basically just going for moral support.

Goku: I know, but I'm just so excited guys! I can finally get to punch him! Right in his handsome face.

(YN): Okay why are you calling him handsome?!

Goku: Cause that jawline don't lie and neither do I. Now let's go, I don't want no one getting a swing at Cell before me.

Krillin: Oh sure, like if anything is dumb enough to even face him right about now.

(YN): ...Why do I get the feeling your dads gonna screw this one up?

Gohan: Why say that?

(YN): I don't know, the way he's behaving right now, the fact he wants to meet Cell so a freaky way, look point is, I don't like where this is going.

Gohan: Don't worry (YN), I'm sure he won't screw this one up...I hope...we'll see.

Meanwhile, at the Cell Games Arena, We then see the world martial art champion, Hercule, who arrived first than the the Z-Fighters, wanting to fight Cell, and to talk a lot, and I mean a lot of trash at Cell...

News Reporter(JF): Mr.Satan thank god you've arrived here to face off the evil Cell! Is there anything you have to say to him?!

Hercule: I do! Now listen here bug man! You have the nerve to announce your own challenge, knowing damn well, that I, Mr.Satan, worlds martial art champion! You vile, wicked, monstrous, nefarious...

-3 Minutes later-

Hercule: Cold heart, ignorant, cold blooded monster! Now, any last words before I beat ya to pulp!?

Perfect Cell: ....

Hercule: Oh? What's the matter, Satan got your tongue?

Perfect Cell: ...You sure about this?

Hercule: Speak up bug boy.

Perfect Cell: You look like an extra budget from a porno film, the one that everyone gets tested afterwards, even the cameraman.

Hercule: Oh...Uh, I-

Perfect Cell: Did they found you in the subway? Were you homeless? Did you get into any bumb fights?

Hercule: This really getting personal-

Perfect Cell: Do you have any actual friends? Maybe relationships are all?

Hercule: ...I have a daughter.

Perfect Cell: Oh that poor orphan.

Hercule: ..C-Could we cut to commercial.!

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now