Chp.11 Enter Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.1

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As we left off, Cell has absorb 17, and now has transform into even more of a threat, he's transform into his Semi-Perfect Form...Cell walks over to the water and sees himself on the reflection...

SeP.Perfect Cell: So this is what it feels to have lips...bu bu buh bubububububu, blanbblabblabla. Oh this is so much fun-

A.16: Bastard!

16 rushes at Cell and land a punch, but doesn't do nothing to Cell, as Cell took that punch and to blast a energy wave at 16, sending him flying away, and to age half of his face...

A.18: 16!

A.16: Do not...worry, I am fine.

SeP.Cell: If I were you sis, I would be less concern on him, and start focusing on what's

A.18: You! Give me back my brother, you fish lipped asshole!

SeP.Cell: Now Now, being hurtful isn't gonna being him back, and by the way, he was delicious.

A.18: Tch! And you think you can do the same thing to me?!

SeP.Cell: Your compliance isn't a factor.

A.18: Well then...I'm gonna have to do this...*places hand onto chest*

SeP.Cell: Touching your boob?

A.18: No...I'm gonna activate the bomb myself!

SeP.Cell: You wouldn't!?

A.18: Oh watch me!

SeP.Cell: Not until your inside of me first!

Cell rushes at 18 before 18 activated the bomb...but then suddenly..

Tien: Not yet!

Cell and the androids notice Tien up in the sky...

SeP.Cell: Ohohohoho! Oh my it's Tien! What, Krillin's busy?

Tien: Nrgh!

SeP.Cell: Come on buddy let's be real here, with your power level? You're no android, no namekian, no super Saiyan...your just a human.

Tien: Yeah?! Well you know what?! Fuck power levels! Fuck androids, fuck super saiyans...and most importantly...FUCK YOU!!! SHIIIN...KIKOOOUUUHOO!!!!


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SeP.Cell: Oh, that's adora-SHIIIIIIIIIT!!!

Tien shoots an huge tri beam energy towards Cell, creating a hole alongside with it...

Tien: You!!

A.18: Huh?!

Tien: Blow yourself up or leave! I don't care which!

A.18: O-Okay! Come on 16! We have to go!

A.16: Okay!


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