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Days pass now, and only short days away of the Cell Games, Goku is strong enough to take our Cell, but still, Cell has given one week before he obliterates them planet, so the Z-Fighters must keep training for the big day. In the meantime, Goku was spending time with Chi-Chi with some.... "Stuffs"...
meanwhile at Kame's house, Gohan, Krillin, and Yamcha, we're watching TV, and then they realize they are watching this specific channel, where they get to meet and see the all mighty world martial artist fighter, and greatest hero of all, and people praise him a lot...he is none other than Hercule Satan...

He said that he's heard of the Cell Games, and will be the one to take out on Cell all by himself, and squash him like the bug he is

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He said that he's heard of the Cell Games, and will be the one to take out on Cell all by himself, and squash him like the bug he is...

Yamcha: So...does this guy even know if he loses, he'll die, like, legit.

Krillin: Yeah, idk why people praise him so hard, what you think Gohan?

Krillin notices Gohan quiets and to space out for a bit...

Krillin: Gohan?? ...Gohan!

Gohan: Huh?? Oh what's up?

Krillin: You okay? You've spaced out for a bit, and also been quiet too.

Gohan: O-Oh, sorry, it's just that I've been-

Yamcha: Worrying about (YN)?

Gohan: Wha-Huh??! Why say that-

Yamcha: Gohan, it's obvious we can see it in your face.

Krillin: Yea, you've been talking about him lately, and now you're being worried for him.

Gohan: that bad or does it make you two feel uncomfortable?

Yamcha: No Not at all, but...we were just curious.

Gohan: Curious?? Of what?

Krillin: If you like him.

Gohan: *Blushing* WHA?!?? Me?! Like him-no! Wha-Nooooo! That's dumb-you guys are dumb! ...Why even say that?

Krillin: Hey, like we said, only curious.

And so, Krillin and Yamcha go back watching TV, and Gohan to keep on blushing about what Yamcha and Krillin said about liking (YN) or not...

Gohan Mind: Stupid Yamcha and Krillin! Have the nerve to say I like (YN)! Me!?!? No! I don't-but not like, in a harm way, I just like him the fact he's on our side now, and...I guess he's...cute and all-Oh Damn it now they got me saying it too! ...But, I am worried for him tho...wonder what's taking him long in the chamber?? Can he be with Mr.Piccolo?? Wonder hows that going.

Meanwhile, at the HTC, and to see Vegeta Impatiently and annoyingly waiting for his turn to go in again...inside the chamber, we then see loud punches and explosions coming from thin air, and yet we also see brutal impacts out of nowhere, then, we then see Piccolo and (YN) in his Kaio-Ken form still, appearing and reappearing in the air, they appeared and to charge at each other and collide and to throw rapid punches at each other, Piccolo tried landing a kick, but (YN) blocked that kick on time as he strikes a gut punch to Piccolo, and then a knee strike to his chin and flips and lands a axe kick above his head, sending him to the ground, Piccolo quickly recovers and stood up as he puts both fingers on his forehead and charges up his attack...

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now