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Gohan Age: 17

Years have pass now, earth is still no danger and yet to be living in peace, and so far for the z fighters as well, Goten, Gohan's little brother is now 5 years young, as for Gohan and (YN), their grew up as well and are now teenagers, Gohan 17, a...

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Years have pass now, earth is still no danger and yet to be living in peace, and so far for the z fighters as well, Goten, Gohan's little brother is now 5 years young, as for Gohan and (YN), their grew up as well and are now teenagers, Gohan 17, and (YN) 18, and yet they still to get along really more often and with Goten alongside too, (YN) continues to work on the farm while Gohan now goes is in High School and studies for a career, and has made some freinds over there as well, especially one friend who goes by Videl, Mr.Satan's daughter.....
One day, they notice ChiChi always busy, working hard and taking care of Goten, so (YN) and Gohan thought for her to take a break, and go out and have herself a little vacation with Bulma, and they will take care of the chores and Goten...ChiChi agrees and will take a break and hang out with Bulma...

ChiChi: Alright, well I'm off, so you got everything under control you two?

Gohan: Of course mom, everything here we'll take care of it.

(YN): No worries Ms.ChiChi, just go and enjoy your break while we do the best we can here to help.

ChiChi: Okay then, well take care you two, bye my sweet little Goten, mommy will miss you.

Goten: Bye mommy.

ChiChi: Okay bye you two, and don't screw around, hehe, see ya soon.

ChiChi then leaves the house, and to then look at each other when ChiChi said "screw around" they both chuckled together...

Goten: Big sis, is mommy gonna come back?

Gohan: *Pats goten* Of course little bro, she's just gonna be with auntie Bulma for a while and she'll be back in no time.

(YN): And look at the bright side, we got the house ourselves, so we'll be taking care of you and make sure you have the best time with us.

Goten: Cool!

And so, Gohan and (YN) took over the house and to began to do chores first, Gohan washing dishes, (YN) sweeping and mopping the floor, both doing laundry with Goten's help, cleaning the dust off the furnitures, and after taking care of the chores, they then get them leave some free time...they played with Goten hide and seek, went fishing as they managed to catch a huge catfish and to cook it for later on for dinner....and at night, they watched tv together...and so goes on the night, they put Goten to sleep in his room and to then sat together at the living room...

Gohan: Heh, guess it isn't hard nor stress as I thought would be.

(YN): No kidding, it's easier than I thought would be.

Gohan: Yup.

Then, (YN) wraps his arms around Gohan from behind and to snuggle with her as Gohan holds his hands and smoothens it...

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now