Chp.14 Enter Perfect Cell

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As we left off, Cell has now achieve his  perfect final form, and begat smiling to see it happen, and letting him achieve it...Cell began throwing quick rapid punches around, testing himself...and liking his new look...but Krillin doesn't, knowing well he's not gonna let Cell get away with it...

Perfect Cell: So who's first-

Krillin: GIVE HER BACK!!!

Krillin throws his distructo disk at Cell, and yet it hit him behind his neck....but it didn't do not damage to him at all...not even a scratch...

Perfect Cell: Ah, a volunteer.

Cell rushes at Krillin, and to swing a kick to his neck, braking it and sending him draggin through the ground away...

Trunks: Krillin! I'm coming!

Trunks goes after Krillin to give him a Senzu bean...and Cell to show off his perfect form, and see 16...

Perfect Cell: Hey.

A.16: ..Hello..

Perfect Cell: So are we cool?

A.16: You literally ate my family!

Perfect Cell: Hey, don't lose your head, they were my family well.

Vegeta then comes and confronts Cell...

Vegeta: So you broke the bald one's neck, bravo! I hope your not too proud about it.

Perfect Cell: Oh prince, I am proud, not of that, no, but of you. It take s a big man, to do what you did sticking in your guns and throwing everyone's lives away. And for that, I tip my...Hmm, what is this on my head? Would you call that a crown? 16, you call this crown?

A.16: I hate you.

Perfect Cell: We'll call it a crown.

Back with Trunks, he then gave Krillin a Senzu beam, as Krillin came back in health...

Trunks: Oh thank god it work, sucks that you didn't have Saiyan biology, if so, you'd be unstoppable.

Krillin. I know right? But also...Vegetas gonna die.

Trunks: What? Why-

Krillin: Trunks, do you have any idea what it feels like to be hit so hard while growing up as an adult? Every time, barring with your mom and Chi-Chi, literally every time, and I know when someone is holding back...Trunks?

Trunks: Huh?? ...O-Oh....Oh....I can explain.

Krillin: I don't think you can.

Back with Vegeta, he then was about to get ready with his fight...

Vegeta: Alright, "Perfect" Cell.

Perfect Cell: Mmm love the ring to that~

Vegeta: I'm going to enjoy wearing down the knuckles on these gloves.

Perfect Cell: Okay I know that wasn't suppose to sound sexual but-

Vegeta: Now if you don't mind, it's time for your out coming party into a funeral! Now I will have my proper fight against you, and show everyone that I am stronger than-

Perfect Cell: Aaaaand times up. While there is nothing I can do rather then stranding here and listen your bluster at me till the heat death of the universe...I literally have a million better things to do, so here's the deal : I want you to hit me as hard as you can.

Vegeta: Heh, I can do that-

Perfect Cell: Now don't misunderstand, I don't want you to half as hard, not some percentage....I want you to hit HARD as you can.

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