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As we left off, Piccolo and 17 were going at it against each other as Piccolo will show off his strength when fused with Kami, 17 rushes at Piccolo as Piccolo rushes at him as well, 17 tries landing a punch, but Piccolo blocks it with an ease as he then lifts 17 up, and slamming him to the ground, picking him up again and to then strike a vicious gut punch towards 17, sending him flying away also, 17 recovers, but Piccolo was so fast he catches up to him again up close and to land a kick to his chest, and then a back punch to 17's face as he crash lands through a Boulder, Piccolo then places his both fingers up on his forehand and charges up his attack...

Piccolo: Take this! Makana...Makaka...Majik...Oh fuck it! Special Beam Cannon!!

Piccolo shoots his Special Beam Cannon to 17, 17 then dodged it as the beam hits towards another rock and ending up exploding into pieces

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Piccolo shoots his Special Beam Cannon to 17, 17 then dodged it as the beam hits towards another rock and ending up exploding into pieces...

A.17: Phew, that was-

A.16: Dodge!

A.17: Say Wha-

Piccolo again charges at 17 as he strikes a punch to his face sending 17 flying away again as 17 recovers from the air...

A.17: Damn it 16 will you stop with that shit!? Its not helpful!

A.18: But pretty funny.

A.17: Not helping as well sis-

Piccolo: Dodge!!!

Piccolo strikes a front kick towards 17's face, and then to grab hand, and to run and to slam him through some boulders and dragging his whole body through them, he then tosses him up in the air as Piccolo began shooting several energy blasts at 17, 17 recovers in mid air as he sees the energy blasts coming towards him as he started dodging them, but then, he realizes again to see the drill energy beam again going after him as he dodged that one, but as he dodged it, he doesn't realize that Piccolo was flying towards him, 17 swings a punch to Piccolo, but Piccolo took that punch as he moves 17's fist off his face, and to strike a punch towards 17's gut again, and then to axe hand him behind, sending him flying straight to the ground as 17 crashes...he slowly gets up...

A.17: F-Fuck!! He wasn't like this back then..! So How is he this damn strong?! It doesn't take that short of time to train and get strong that fast!

A.16: He has fused with Kami.

A.17: Kami?? Wha-

Piccolo again charges to 17 behind and to land a back kick to his face as 17 gets sent flying and drops down to the ground...

A.17: Wait S-Seriously, what the hell is a Kami?!

Piccolo appeared in front of 17, and to aim his palm towards him...

Piccolo: It means god, now bow bitch.

He shoots a powerful energy yellow beam at 17, and then to caused a huge explosion around the island there at...after the explosion and smoke clearing away, Piccolo notices he didn't hit 17, and to resize 17 was in the air floating...

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