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As we left off, The terrifying Cell has finally been defeated and obliterated by the hands of the Saiyan android, (YN), and earth is safe once again thanks to him....after that, (YN) then flies off to the others and arrived...

Piccolo: do it?!

(YN): ...He's nowhere to be seen, isn't he?

Piccolo: So..he's dead?! ...he's dead!

Yamcha: Can I start to tear up knowing I've been holding it?

Tien: Heh, Better now than five minutes ago.

Krillin: Woo-Hoo!! (YN) did it!! He killed Cell!

Krillin and Yamcha rush over to (YN) and cheered for him, (YN) was felt grateful that he's ended the he looks at Piccolo holding Gohan, he then slowly approaches to her, as Piccolo hands her to (YN) and him holding her...he hugs her tight...

Piccolo: Don't worry, Dende will take care of it.YN):

(YN): ...You sure?

Piccolo: Crystal.

(YN): Good, let's head to the lookout then.

(YN) holding Gohan, Krillin holding 18 and Yamcha holding trunks, them and Tien fly and head over to the lookout, as for Piccolo he looks to see Vegeta behind...

Piccolo: You know Vegeta, I'm surprised you're not taking credit for (YN).

Vegeta: Well the brats lucky that I jumped in, if not would've been a whole different story for Kakarot's brat.

Piccolo: Heh, don't worry, we'll go revive your baby boy.

Piccolo goes flying after the others...leaving Vegeta alone...

Vegeta: ...Fucking better.

Minutes later, they arrive to the lookout and Dende notice them arriving and (YN) holding Gohan...

Dende: Gohan! What you did idiot!?

(YN): Cell happen, not me.

Dende: And you let HER fight him alone!??

(YN): Hey you could thank me for killing the fuck, so stop wasting time and heal her already damn it!

Dende: Well give her to me you mook!

(YN) places Gohan on the floor, as Dende began reviving her with his healing powers...

Dende: I don't think healings working! Gotta do mouth to mouth-

(YN): Yeah that's not and never will happen!

Dende: It's the only way!

Gohan: ...H-Huh Wha?? Dende??

Dende: Gohan! Can you breathe??

Gohan: Perfectly yeah.

Dende: Ah-oh..okay...

Gohan then notices (YN), she smiles with joy and hugs him, and (YN) smiles and hugging her...

Gohan: So...he's gone?

(YN): For good.

Gohan: ...I'm happy for ya.

(YN): Heh, thanks.

Tien: Hey Gohan...sorry about your dad.

Gohan: ...It's fine guys, at least he did something helpful for us...but yea, it's fine.

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now