Chp.25 The Unleashed Transformation

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As we left off, gray clouds began to merge, and yet thunder was to be heard, and not just that...the ground began to shake and rocks began rising as (YN) began to power up, and his aura was yet to be golden...he began to stutter in anger and grunting as well...


He began to scream as his power began to rise more and more and the ground to shake even harder...

Tien: Holy fuck! That power of's rising like hell!

Piccolo: It's...overwhelming outstanding !!

(YN) kept yelling more and more as his aura rises even more, and yet lighting began to strike down besides him and Cell as it almost hit him...

SuP.Cell: Wh-What is this?!? This powers of's...overflowing!!!

(YN) kept yelling more still as his power began to rise even more beyond and kept striking down as he kept powering up...
And as he kept powering up more and more, suddenly, Cell realizes (YN)'s hair began to glow into golden color back and forth...and also, he realizes that his body began to grow, muscles as well, and his hair to spike up and kept glowing....
And then, he stopped yelling, and thunder and lighting stopped as well...everything was quiet, (YN) looks at Gohan, and to began having flashbacks from the times he had spent time with her, how great he had his time with her, everything about her made him smile and always liking her....and now, all he sees her, is her being dead, killed by the hands of Cell....he again she'd some tears....and to grunt and grow angry more....


He screamed from the top of his lungs, as his eyes began to change completely blank and to then unleash a huge power around him, causing a strong wind wave around, causing the z fighters to drop down to the ground, and Cell losing balance but kept standing on his feet...
And then, a golden beam was hitting towards the clouds where (YN) was at, and to slowly fade away....and then, Cell heard footsteps, slowly coming towards him...and as the smoke began to clear the way...he then started to gasp in shock, as he then sees (YN) slowly approaching to Cell, holding Gohan onto his arms, and also noticing (YN) grew few inches bigger, his eyes were completely white blank, and his looks is now a form, his yellow hair stood up spiked and is golden, and jolts started appearing around (YN) and he began to growl...

SuP.Cell: Wh-What in the...hell!?!

Tien: Holy-

Yamcha: Shit!!

(YN) kept approaching to Cell...

SuP.Cell: Fuck this! I'm going to kill you here and-OOUUAAAAAGH!!!

(YN) rapidly dash to Cell, and lands a brutal kick to the side of his ribs, and beat the inside of his bones breaking, and with that kick, it sent him flying away....afterwards, (YN) lays Gohan down on the ground, smoothen her hair and looks at the Z-Fighters...

(YN): Look after her.

He stood up, and to then leap and go after Cell..
We look at Cell as he crashes through several boulders, and recovers and then to see (YN) in the air and to crash land on the floor, and slowly glare at him with a growl...

SuP.Cell: That form you's exactly like Gohan's, but then again, the way you greed you muscles just like that bastard Vegeta and Trunks! Ha! Hate to say it Project S, but I've already witness that, with that form, you'll be slow and lose lots of stamina-

(YN) with such speed dashes towards Cell, Clothesline him, as Cell bounces back up, and (YN) to strike a knee hit behind Cell's back, afterwards, he grabs his whole front face, and to slam him to the ground and to fly and drag his body to the ground, stops and to then toss him up, and (YN) to then bicycle kicks Cell to the sky, (YN) quickly flies to Cell, Cell recovers and to then blast a energy beam at him and managed to hit him, but didn't stop him as he kept flying after him, so he then blasts a Kamehameha at him and again hits him and smoke to cover around...but still, (YN)'s hand appeared out of the smoke, grabbing Cell's hand, and to come out from the smoke, while grabbing Cell's hand, he began swinging him and to toss him down and Cell crash landing...Cell was brutally beaten, he can barely get up and can barely recover....he sees (YN) coming dashing down to him as Cell moves out of the way and (YN) to stomp on the ground instead of Cell...Cell fest up and rushes at (YN) and began throwing some punches at him, which landed, and then to land a kick to his neck, he chuckles about...but then realizes that (YN) smiles and glares at Cell, and yet that kick Cell gave him didn't do nothing at all...

(YN): Hehe, consider that a touching nerve.

Cell quickly backs away, and yet tremble and confuse...

SuP.Cell: Wh-What?! No!! No No! Why-No-HOW!?! How are you this strong?!? Why are you stronger than me!?! There's no way you can move that quick knowing how big you are!!

(YN) grins, and to clench both his fists...and replies...

(YN): Because!!!!

(YN) boosts his power energy more and for Cell to feel it, and couldn't believe it at all of how much power energy he's got and raising high...

SuP.Cell: N-No! No!!

(YN): Ohh hell yeah! And now you Cell, I choose you to be the first and last of my victim!

Cell then powers up his energy and grunting...

SuP.Cell: Oh fuck it!! If it takes me at my fullest to get rid of you, then I shall you shall die alongside your precious home planet!!!



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