Chp.10 Imperfect Cell Pt.2

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As we left off, the terrifying Cell killed Piccolo, and to leave his dead body to the ocean, as Goku, Gohan and (YN) felt his presence gone, and Gohan trying to do something about it, but Goku stops her...

Goku: Gohan don't!


Goku: Hey calm down! Don't even think about it! Cell is too strong!

Gohan: Mr.Piccolo would've let me go!

Goku: No he wouldn't, and he's smarter than!

Gohan: That...O-Oh, wow, okay that's...actually a good point dad...

Goku: Besides, the moment you leave, that door will be open.

Mr.Popo: He's right.

Goku: Every time, okay...

Goku then walks up to (YN)...

Goku: So from what I heard from Gohan...your a half Saiyan...half android.

(YN): Yeah, I am.

Goku: Hmm, figures, knowing you too felt Piccolo's presence not active no more.

(YN): I mean...if this Piccolo the one that got killed, then yeah, I felt it..

Goku: Wow, it's crazy the fact Dr.Gero made you an android.

(YN): ...

Goku: But hey...don't you worry, you're no longer under control of him, now that you're what you can stick with us.

Gohan: Really!! I mean...oh, really?

(YN): You ... mean it??

Goku:  Sure, as long we get to know each other more, we'll definitely become friends.

(YN) softly smiles...and then to see Gohan looking at him, smiling and relief to know he's part of Goku's side...she smiles at him, and (YN) softly smiling at her...
Meanwhile, back with Cell...

Imperfect Cell: Poor Piccolo, he died as he lived.

A.18: Drowning?

Imperfect Cell: Alone.

A.16: That's sad.

Imperfect Cell: Yes, really sad and isolation, I know his pain...okay my siblings, why don't you come with me, and join in with a world of pure perfection~

A.18: Stop it!!

A.16: 17, we need to go!

A.17: No, I'm gonna play this one out.

A.16: I believe that is a port decision! We must go now!

A.17: Yea I know, but it is mine to make!

17 flies and rushes over to Cell for an attack, but Cell first lands a punch and elbows 17 to the ground, and to open his tail wide open to eat up 17 from his tail...

A.17: D-Damn it! That's...gross!

Imperfect Cell: Aww come now, once you're part of me, you'll reunite with your sister in as well in...I don't know, give me 5 minute tops. Anywho, once I achieve my perfection, I'll take my time killing everyone here on this planet, and even the mighty Goku! Hahahahahaha-

As Cell was about to absorb 17 inches away, 16 approaches behind Cell and grabbing his shoulder...

Cell: Huh??

A.16: Care to repeat that you son of a bitch!!

He strikes a punch at Cell, sending him away and saving 17...

Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/Android ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now