0. Prologue: Ve-nom

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November 22nd, 2022
8:29 PM

Sub-Level 37, Oscorp, New York City, New York

   Eddie was strapped to a medical table, trembling because of the cold metal and drug withdrawal... that was it. He wasn't scared for his life. He always wondered why his parents would sell him to science... he had never met them. Did they give him away? Was he an orphan... did anyone care about him?

   "Harry... Please," Eddie turned his head to see his friend. He could have told his father to stop or untied him... but he was sitting outside his cage. "Please..." He whimpered, but Harry turned his head. A single tear fell down his cheek... he was alone. 

   Eddie's only other friend had ghosted him all those years ago, Peter Parker... he said he would save Harry and Him. Whatever happened when Harry was allowed to go home for the weekend was having him turn on Eddie... or even forgetting about their friendship. He didn't know if it was his fault... is this what friends do?

   "Is the Symbiote ready?" Dr. Connors asked his assistant. Eddie closed his eyes and tried to wriggle out of the restraints. He had been one of Oscorp's test monkeys since he was a newborn. Now he was about to be a test for what the other Monkeys called 'The Black Death.'

   He didn't know how the torture would begin... but he did know how it would end. Black tears streamed down his face, black blood pooling out of his mouth, and then he would cough himself to death in approximately two days... Harry and he had seen it for five years now.

   Eddie heard a beeping noise before a door was opened. He yelped and jolted when he felt a cold jelly-like texture drop onto his feet. He opened his eyes to see the Symbiote crawling up his body. He screamed as the Alien's body started burning his skin and then enveloped his head.

   The pain was over in a second. He felt millions of memories flipping through his mind. Some were his memories, and others were the Symbiote. He had also been a prisoner here since their ship crashed here.

   "Mr. Brock... how are you feeling?" He heard Dr. Conners ask through the intercom. Eddie groaned as he clutched his hands onto the sides of the metal table. He was still shaking, but all of his fear had faded away. He opened his eyes, and they were pure white.

   "Malevolent..." Eddie smiled, but his tone was deeper than normal. His body began to envelop the same inky texture of the Symbiote, growing in size and strength. The Symbiote growled and broke out of confinement, taking over Eddie's body.

   "Dr. Connors..." Harry stood up from his seat, afraid as the Alien glared at everyone in the room.

   "It is okay, Boy... the cage he is in is very strong... not even a nuclear bomb could shatter the glass." Dr. Conners said as the Alien leaned down to be at eye-level with him. Eddie was now 6 feet larger than his normal 5 foot 11. "Creature, what is your name?" he asked calmly.

   "Ve-nom..." he hissed.

   "How are you feeling, Venom," Dr. Yang asked.


   "What... do you want?" Dr. Conner's assistant asked. They had never had a symbiote talk this much before.

   "Your Brain," Venom headbutted the glass and shattered it. He bit off the assistant's head and hissed when the alarm went. He roared and grabbed a few more doctors before he ran out of the closest window.
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