14. Never Leaving NYC Again

143 7 1

December 1st, 2022
4:22 AM

Sub-Level 50 of Oscorp, NYC

   "How did you know my name?" Punk Spider and Symbiote Spider asked, "and what is that yummy smell?" they said at the same time again.

   "Shit... this is bad, this is so bad...." Peter muttered.

   "Lasher..." Venom hissed.

   "Father?" Lasher asked but was also on defense.

   "Fuck... another one," Max grumbled.

   "Hey, I am good," Symbiotic Spider said, forming back into a human, "he is attached to my suit... we have been fighting together for ten years... can you say the same thing?" he said, looking up at Venom. "I thought I killed you and Carnage,"

   "Think again," Venom smiled, beginning to lean down and bite his head before Eddie forced himself into consciousness.

   "Eddie!" Peter ran to his side and held him up, still weak. Peter looked over to Harry, seeing he was awake now, "See... I was coming back to save you and Eddie..." he said.

   "Brave Kid... you sure you are, okay?" Symbiote Spider asked, "My name is Peter Parker," he said, and Punk Spidey's ears curled up.

   "No... My name is Peter Parker," he unperched and took off his mask, "You trying to steal my gig?"

   "If I were, don't you think I would be in a shitty suit and a poorly studded jean jacket?" He spoke.

   "You both are Peter Parker... I am too," Peter said, and they all looked at him, "What is this Dimension..." he looked at Pietro and looked around to see if it was written down.

   "Earth 19299,"

   "Woah..." Punk Spider smiled.

   "Woah..." Symbiotic gaped.

   "All right... whom am I locking up?" Tony landed on the ground and looked around.

   "You have been the only quiet one," Symbiote Spider accused.

   "Yeah... are you Peter Parker, too?" He asked, and Tony raised an eyebrow. Blue Spider shook his head.

   "Then who are you?" Peter took a step toward him.

   "Chasm!" He shouted and beat his fist into the ground and sent everyone surrounding him to the ground, webbing up to the vent to escape.

   "All right... I will take everyone...." Tony pumped his fist and captured the chasm. He pumped it twice more for the other Spider-Men than the Osborn. "Sweet Baby Boy..." Tony stepped out of his shorts and wrapped his son in a big hug, "Are you hurt... did he force himself on you," Tony said, and Peter hugged the breath out of him, then he explained what happened.

   "Good..." Tony teared up, happy his baby wasn't traumatized even more than he already was by Oscorp, "You're grounded," he said, and Peter widened his eyes, snapped, and the suit encaptured Peter. It was funny to see a 6 ft 5 suit made for a muscular man holding a 5 foot 18-year-old.

"I am going to make sure that he gets home safely," Pietro said, and Tony nodded.

   "I'll do damage control with the citizens," Max offered, and his fathers smirked.

   "I will go fill Banner in on everything," Namor said, and Tony patted him on the back.

   Tony looked at Eddie and Black Cat and clapped his hands together. A holographic keyboard and monitor showed up. Tony typed in 'Felix Hardy' and "Black Cat' connecting their charges, "Two Fatalities," He pointed out and played the security footage. Felix crossed his arms and sighed, looking away, not wanting to see what played in his head repeatedly.

   Tony saw that it wasn't his fault. He didn't pull the trigger. The security guards did. Tony sighed and typed away on his keyboard, snapping for Felix to look at him. "All right... If I see you commit another crime or heist, I will have a special cell for you in R.A.F.T. Buster, and pretty boys like you are immensely popular there,"

   "What?" Felix's eyes widened.

   "You helped me find my baby. If you didn't come sooner, he would have been in another dimension...." Tony said as if it was obvious, "I want you to return everything you have stolen... except for what was in New Jersey... you were right; that was my throwaway jewels," Tony shrugged. "I mean it... if you so much as steal a double mint, I will know... scamper off like a good kitty," He said, and Felix stared at Tony before he hugged him, then ran out of the building. "Now you..."

   "Could you please do anything but put Venom and me in confinement... kill us, send us out to space-" Eddie rambled but stopped when Tony gave him a look to shut up.

   "You have one choice... You will return to the Avenger Towers with me and get Medical Help... Dr. Banner will do tests on you and Venom to seek your full potential. The Alien will go through intense humanity courses... then... I will let you be around Peter, no eating human heads again. I will have a sympathy piece go out for you on the news," He said.

   "What? You are not going to kill us?" He asked.

   "If I did that, then Peter would never speak to me again... he seems to love you, and you are cute and sweet when you aren't an inky monster with knifes for teeth... I am going to send you to the Tower now," Tony said, snapping his backup ring for his second suit.

   "Yes sir, we won't let you down, sir," Eddie teared up and nodded, holding up an arm as Tony punched the air. A fist shot out and carried Eddie up an air vent to the Med Bay of the Tower. Tony closed his eyes and sighed, resting now that everyone was safe.

   "Jarvis, call the media, the captain, the.... " He listed off everything to start research, investigations, news coverage, condolence letters, and wages, everything he needed to do to make this right. "Also, Jarvis... could you remind me never to leave New York City ever fucking again,"

   "Yes, Sir," Jarvis said with a cheery smile.
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