1. The Spider-Man

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November 23rd, 2022
9:10 PM

88th Floor of Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NYC

   Peter was on the Party Deck of Avenger's tower. Thor and The Hulk had just refurbished it. Peter looked down to the city, his feet tingling and his tummy in knots. It was ironic, but he was still afraid of heights. He had been planning this night for a while. He had found a way to break into Oscorp, and he found it at the summer job a couple of months ago when he was interning for one of his father's scientists.

   Otto Octavius still had the blueprint for the building. Oscorp was shared with him before Mayor Osborne stole it from him and took the credit for all their work. Otto collaborated closely with Peter's parents after they created the curse, which they spread to Peter, but the same year, Otto's company was stolen from under him.

   When Peter was an orphan, he was sent to live with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben... but they were way younger than his parents and weren't ready for children. Peter was 2 when he went to live with them and could still recall the smell and the feeling of rats biting him in his crib. Peter started developing his powers when he was 6 when his new guardians started selling his time for research at Oscorp.

One night, he had been running away from a beating for talking back to his Uncle Ben. He webbed his way up to a tall building and was too afraid to find his way down. Iron Man heard the boy crying while doing his nightly round of the city. Then, when he brought him back to his apartment, he decided to launch an investigation. That very night, Peter Parker soon became Peter Stark.

   Peter had told everyone about the torture and misconduct being performed at Oscorp when he finally learned to articulate himself a couple of months later, but by then, all traces were cleaned up. He knew the tests were still being performed, and he had to get all the innocent people to be used as test subjects. It was a promise. He had made some friends while he had his weekend visits. Their names were Eddie Brock and Harry Osborn, Norman's son.

   Peter had been itching to get back on the streets of New York. He loved how the wind felt as he swung through the blocks of buildings. Bagging a robber or carjacker wasn't bad, either. He hasn't been able to go out as much as usual because last week was his birthday, and their family and even his Aunts and Uncles in the Avengers came by.

They always celebrated Peter's birthday with thanksgiving... but Peter missed his father. Tony Stark couldn't come home because things were pretty bad overseas with the Aliens invading London. Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday, and he wished they could celebrate, but everyone had to return to London, and his siblings were busy with crime at an all-time high in the city.

   Peter was an adult, but everyone treated him like a baby. He was a mutant, too! He could help everyone and his brothers fight crime, but they all say, 'You will get hurt.' So, he created the 'Spider-Man' persona a couple of years ago. He would follow the online trackers on the heroes in the city and stay clear of them.

   "Pete... what are you doing out here?" Quentin came out of one of the doors, startling Peter, "Why aren't you wearing a jacket? It is 32 Degrees out here,". Peter gulped and tried to hide his suit by buttoning his shirt back up. His brother came up to him, shivering and turning him around. He swatted his fingers away and saw the suit of the up-and-coming superhero. "Of course..."


   "You are the Spider-Man," Quentin smirked, but Peter shook his head, "Come on, Peter... your webs are all over the city, and we shared a room when you were going through puberty,"

   "Quentin Ew... please don't tell anyone, especially Daddy," He said, "If he ever comes back," Peter muttered to himself.

   "Hey, you know he would be here in a second... London needs help," Quentin told him, putting a hand on Peter's neck. Peter raised his eyebrow at his older brother. Well, it was only a 9-month difference. Quentin was adopted, too. He was in the foster system before Tony saved him. Quentin had always been an older brother type. He bullied and teased Peter. He wouldn't let Peter hang out with him and his friends throughout school.

He would join in with all his school bullies teasing him. Peter didn't know if the bullies had gone too far. He would beat them up after school. Quentin had been so nice to Peter this past week that it made Peter think he was up to something big. "You are being safe, right?" he asked, and Peter nodded to him, "Okay, fine... I won't tell anyone, but you are going to have to make it up for me,"

   "Yes, fine... anything," Peter said with eyes wide as saucers.

  "I will have to think of something. You owe me." Quentin smiled, and Peter felt uneasy when he got a spark in his eyes, "Also... do you just try to fuck my friends, or do you blow anyone that you save," He raised his eyebrow before he shoved Peter off the Party Deck. Quentin knew he would be safe, but he had to admit it felt much better to push someone off the deck than he thought. He whistled as he walked back into the building.
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