5. We Need to Talk

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November 23rd, 2022

11:49 PM

Midtown, Manhattan, NYC

   "Hey! Spider-Man," Electro shouted, landing in front of Spiderman before he could run off, looking anywhere but at his junk. "We are here to help," He said, grabbing Spider-Man's wrist before he could get away. Peter slipped his hand out from Max's grip and webbed away, being intercepted by his other brother Namor.

   "We heard that the Brain Eater was bothering you. Are you all, right?" Namor asked, and Peter gulped.

   "Yep! Yes! I am a-ok!" Spider-Man gave them a thumbs-up before continuing to escape.

   "Hey, We were wondering if you would like to Join the East Coast Avengers?" Pietro said and sighed, a little disappointed that Spider-Man was trying to scamper away even after the invitation, so he let him go. Quick-Silver intercepted him by grabbing his ankle, a gust of wind blew, and Electro was the first to catch Peter's scent. "The way you took down William Fisk was sick, dude!"

   "Don't let him leave," Max said sternly as Pietro grabbed his ankle again.

   "What?" Pietro raised his eyebrow, snagging Spider-Man down and looking at Max's face. Then he looked at Namor, who was sniffing, confused. Pietro got the cue and sniffed, rolling his eyes back in his head when he smelled the most erotic smell... yet it smelled so familiar. Max closed in on Spider-Man, who was trying to wriggle away but was being held by Namor and Quick-Silver. He cupped his jaw to stop moving.

   "Pete?" Max asked as he took Peter's mask off. Namor and Pietro widened their eyes and joined Max with their concerned, angry looks. "Peter... what did we say about you being a superhero...."

   "I accept the invitation to the East Coast Avengers...." Peter said, reminding them that they thought Spider-Man was cool.

   "Peter Stark... we said that you could get hurt...." Max said, then he thought of the implication of the Brain-Eater being here, his clothes being off, and the implications. His anger grew to fear, "Oh shit... did the Brain Eater force you to do anything?"

   "What?" "I will kill him... I will kill that freaking freak!" Pietro shouted as Max's thoughts reached Namor's and his thoughts, and he sped away, running through all of New York in 5 seconds to search for him.

   "Guys calm down... he is my friend. He was simply confused... he didn't do anything," Peter said, and they all glared at him. Peter explained everything but Pietro ran to get his backpack and change of clothes.

   "Peter, who is your friend," Max asked.


   "Peter, which is not what we are talking about," Namor chimed in.

   "Guys..., stop... I got this," Peter whined.

   "No, Peter, this is bigger than you... who is your friend now? He is killing people," Max shouted.

   "Yeah! He is killing the monsters that tortured us at Oscorp!" Peter snapped.

   "So, this is Oscorp's fault...." Max put his fingers on his chin as he thought.

   "Pete, we are just trying to help," Pietro gently grabbed his hand, but Peter swatted him away.

    "No! This is my fight... this is my fault... if you insert yourself, you will worsen things. I won't be able to save my friends at Oscorp," Peter knitted his eyebrows together. His brothers looked at him with sympathy because he never talked about Oscorp... but would still scream away from night terrors and memories of his time there. "I am an adult now... Don't tell anyone or Daddy, or I will spill everything I got on all three of you!"

   "Petey... Adults don't call their father Daddy...." Max sighed, and Peter glared, "You are still hurt. We won't tell Dad, but you need our help,"

   "The only help I need from you guys is to tell me what an Omega is...." Peter said, and the boys widened their eyes. They couldn't look him in the eyes. Pietro gulped and looked up at the sky as he was the closest to Peter. He also had a soft spot for his youngest brother. "What... What does it mean?" Peter grabbed Pietro's wrist before he crossed his arms.

   "Your um... you should ask Dad that," Pietro said.

   "Yeah... as that will ever happen, he is never coming back from London...." Peter muttered and walked backward, "Don't you dare tell Daddy," Peter pointed at them and hopped off the building, putting his mask back on. He had on MJ's sweater and some sweatpants, so he was way warmer than usual as he webbed back home. The turtleneck was like a cape. It was so comically large on him.

   Peter had to stop a block from the Avenger Tower and collect himself. He walked into the lobby. Then he walked into the secret Elevator that would bring him back to the Living Area. When the Elevator dinged as it opened, he almost missed the people in the lobby of the living area. He had to do a double take. He looked in awe at his Dad sitting at the table with Quentin.

   "Come on, Petey, you think I would miss your birthday and your favorite holiday?" Tony smiled, sitting up and fixing his suit.

   "Daddy!" Peter shouted and ran over to the man, jumping up into his arms and crying into his neck as Tony hugged back his son, spinning them around. Tony tried not to use his nose to breathe... he could smell Peter everywhere in the tower, which was intoxicating.

   "Pete-Pete, we need to talk," Tony patted his son's back as he comforted him.
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